
The photos of the house are done. Very pretty morning.

Steve was here yesterday to put up the folding doors in the bedroom; thank goodness! He’d arrived to work on the deck railings but since Don punked out, Steve was nice enough to fill in.

He took one of the doors home to fix it. Turns out we didn’t need it today, we used the second bedroom as a repository for Lizzie’s bed, big kitchen appliances and “stuff” from the bathroom.

I’ve been working for days to get the house ready. Started around 4 or so this morning. The realtor was very complimentary. Looking forward to seeing the photos.

We managed to cram the three of us into the truck for Lizzie’s grooming appointment last Wednesday. She was frightened but calmed down when Ron held her on the table. Groomer did a good job, but Ron doesn’t want to go back: “too noisy”.

I took time off to attend a commission meeting last night and was the only citizen there who doesn’t work for the Town or serve as an elected or appointed official.

We are now working with a dear family friend on the sale, and I am so relieved.

Ron hung the big Cape Cod geologic map on the far bedroom wall.

I did a transcript for our Conservation Commission of the talk on coastal waters from this past Monday.