Well, That’s Done

Although I failed to complete one step in the claims process, the Case Manager approved the maximum payout she was allowed as a consolation. It could have been worse, and Ron was fine with it.

HSC also approved our claim for a new washing machine. We’ll get a Lowe’s gift certificate in lieu of a check. It’ll cover more than half the cost.

I offered to serve on the Finance Committee. Haha.

Had several nice text messages with Wendy.

Ron bought and is attaching new hoses for the washer so we can use it until we get the funds for a new one.

Lizzie trumped a couple of times on her blanket.

I went to Falmouth to rescue Ron after he locked himself out of his van. Gave me a chance to pick up a movie on reserve at the Library and stop in to Coonamessett Farm for some gorgeous partial-to-full sun annuals that I’ll make into a hanger for the front.

I watched the Queen’s 70th Jubilee celebration including some of Trooping the Colour and the RAF aerial displays. Great grandkids were very cute, especially Louis.