Good Day To Stay In

I did some yard cleanup yesterday, the front of the house and the Joe Pye Weed corner.

Just as well, it’s predicted to rain most of today.

Have made decent progress with raking so far this season.

Lizzie woofed again last night and left a Trump on her blanket this morning. We have a visit to the vet scheduled for tomorrow evening.

Ron shaved his moustache and beard yesterday. Or maybe it was the day before.

I can’t find our backup info for 2020 taxes, and it’s driving me nuts.

Daffs are blooming.

The mysterious joint account debits turned out to be misfires from Ron made very late one weekend night. He made up the deficit.

It occurred to me that the reason I had problems with certain bosses is because they were childish and not because of any deficit on my part except that I wouldn’t indulge them.

As is the case with many places, Mashpee needs a few good funerals.