Ron Redeems Himself

Ron went to Beltone in Hyannis in the hope he could get one of his hearing aids repaired. Instead, he got, guess what, a recommendation that he spend more money.

I hate this and am glad we found his first set which we hope will tide him over until we can figure out if cheap ones will work for both of us.

Once again – it happens every time – Ron forgot to pick up something I requested: gizzards for Lizzie at the Hyannis Stop & Shop.

Because it was for Lizzie, it was particularly infuriating, although not as personal as all the other requests from me that he’s ignored.

He made a second trip to Hyannis to fix it.

Lizzie and I had a pretty good day while he was gone. I did a little raking but stopped because the wind was making a mess and anyway, the truck was full. We did a walk in the field and she got to run a bit.

Rained last night, a deluge at one point.

This morning, I stopped at Mobil to redeem the $25 gift card distributed at Tuesday’s job fair and dumped the leaves at the transfer station.

Back home, I changed the furnace filter.

I’m able to fit into some old jeans.