Three Squares

I went to bed early last night and didn’t get up until 5:30 or so this morning.

Ron did laundry and we changed the sheets. Liz and I went for a little walk in the field.

I cooked three meals yesterday: eggs and cheese for breakfast; stir fry from a package for lunch; veg balls and store-bought mashed with homemade gravy and salad for supper. Ron as usual did cleanup and made coffee.

I made poor Ron do a round trip to and from Falmouth Motor yesterday morning so I could drop off my truck, which has been running loud for a while. Turns out, some exhaust parts were improperly installed. They hope to have it finished today.

Paypal’d James’s birthday money yesterday. I’ve been keeping up with the household bills.

We had a conversation with a chatty but extremely pleasant gentleman at Medicare about a rejected claim for lab work for Ron. Hoping he gets this squared away with his doctor’s office.

Found and fixed a vexing problem with MRS. Turned out to be SQL.

Posted Craigslist ad for help with NEPS. Received several responses, some look promising. I hope.