Outdoor Time

Got in an hour or so today loading the truck for the transfer station, pruning dead branches from the big storm and piling them up for the next run and walking in the field with Lizzie. Always fun to see her trot back to the yard; she knows her house.

Gorgeous day, cold and a little windy but sunny with a good mid-winter light.

Ron picked up the box of barrel liners I’d ordered from Aubuchon in Cotuit and is dropping off recyclables and trash at the transfer station, then on to the redemption center. Hope there’s enough gas, I didn’t fill it up this week after two trips to Hyannis.

The lined jeans I bought by mistake from Goodwill seem to have found a home here anyway. Ron likes his, they look great on him, and I’m wearing mine. As they say, it’s not bad weather with the right clothes.