Finally Finished Mowing; Biscuit

Started yesterday afternoon. It’s been so humid that I put off the last bit until this morning.

Harvested a bunch of cukes. Made a temporary drying rack for the garlic.

Ron’s been busy, changed the lightbulb in the fixture above the kitchen sink and picked up a new microwave at Home Depot yesterday and did a transfer station drop-off.

Had to pay for two orders at Fresh Roll last evening. Not a tragedy.

Asked about a dog available through MSPCA, Biscuit.

We are looking for an older, medium-sized dog. We have some experience with rescues. Before going any further in the process, we’d need to talk with you about specific recommendations for his orientation to a new home and any anticipated adjustment issues. For example, does he need a crate or is he afraid of confinement? Is he likely to bolt? Is he food responsive? Is he afraid of cars or have other triggers?