July It Is

I sent off an invoice to the MRS this morning. It was a challenge to put together because of the massive FUBAR with my email account.

I also stopped Apple News which has become a waste of time and money.

Ron got paid today, great, and made an appointment to get his van Dutch doors fixed tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Got Tedster a muzzle yesterday at Waquoit Feed and Garden. It fits him well and he doesn’t seem to mind it, especially since he gets a treat for allowing me to put it on him.

Vegetable gardens seem to be doing okay. Tomatoes and hydrangeas have started. I picked up three more tomato cages at Mashpee Ace yesterday. Also filled up the truck in anticipation of higher gas prices for July 4th weekend.

Been crazy-hot this week. Over 90 degrees today. Even so, it’s been tough to get Teddy to stay indoors.

I picked over 3 pounds of rhubarb yesterday. It was way overdue. Ron cut all of it up into tiny pieces! He’s off to shop for strawberry/rhubarb crisp ingredients.