Lunch with Robert; Quiet Weekend

Robert is working in North Falmouth these days and took me to lunch on Friday. Quick but nice chat.

I made a broccoli and cauliflower casserole. It didn’t last long.

Still struggling to get Teddy into either of the vehicles. He doesn’t seem to be scared, but he’s ungainly and the floors are too high for him.

Yesterday Teddy was accosted by an unleashed dog. We were happy he held his own.

Tried to help Em with her Mass ID. Gave up on the RMV website, but was able to book an appointment.

Solved a thorny problem with cacheing a recordset from dotDigital. VS refactoring helped a great deal.

I’m so tired of the cold, and unfortunately, it looks like it’s going to be with us for a while more.

I’ll be happier when we reach full immunity from COVID-19, some time in mid-April. Since we booked our shots, I’ve been looking at various appointment websites, only a handful of which are consolidated. There have been NO appointments for days in our area, even though the Jansen vaccine has been available. We are fortunate to have taken care of this pretty much as soon as we became eligible.