Ron got his first dose of the Moderna vaccine today at Gillette. He said the travel back and forth and the process itself was painless. He crashed after a couple of beers and is having a well-earned nap.
I was able to schedule second shots for both of us at the CVS in East Falmouth.
Teddy has been pretty good today. Got a little whiney a short while ago but otherwise well-behaved, especially on leash. I’ve walked him twice and let him stay out in his run once. It was raining all morning but cleared up mid afternoon or thereabouts.
I’ve had some attempted logins from an IP in Scottsdale to my WordPress site and was advised to file a complaint with GoDaddy.
Have no desire to mess up the kitchen with cooking, which is not good, although I did wash a bunch of greens for salad or soup.
Watched the Merrick Garland confirmation hearing long enough to despise the rank hypocrisy of “Cat Piss” Cruz and Mike “Mulligan” Lee and on the other hand, to be grateful for Sheldon Whitehouse, Amy Klobuchar, Dick Durbin and Richard Blumenthal, who responded to the right-wing obstructionists with the measured contempt that they deserve. Schedule for confirmation vote by the full Senate to be announced shortly.