What Did We Do Yesterday?

I did finish cleaning up the last two vegetable garden plots.

It was freezing yesterday; 22° this morning. I temporarily hurt my hands by working without gloves.

We did the transfer station run and a short shop.

Ron shut off the sillcocks; I turned off the water to the outdoor shower and drained the sillcocks. The placement of the ceiling tiles is a nuisance. Poor Ron tried for a good half hour to put them back; I suggested he give up and have lunch, then found that a coat hanger worked pretty well.

After trying unsuccessfully to order holiday foods online at Whole Foods, which for some reason didn’t want to accept either of our debit cards, I decided to cook instead and figured out a menu for Thanksgiving/our anniversary.

Finally cleaned up the list of compromised passwords.

Watched a documentary about George Soros until about quarter to ten last night. It wasn’t very informative.

Ron worked on the window boxes. I’m looking forward to getting them back up for winter decorations.

Today Ron had an appointment at Beltone and did a small shop for next week. I dropped off the little Green Machine, cleaning solution and instructions to Geri, who reciprocated with coffee and blueberry muffins. I pretty much finished the front of fence fall pruning.

Thoroughly sick of non-news about Covid19 (“it’s bad”) and Trump & Co’s shenanigans (“they’re a danger to the republic”).

I miss the grands.