Farm; Irrigation Off; Treadmill

Did a couple of hours of bean picking. CSA boxes got done early, so I got ours on my way out.

Irrigation system is off for the year. Hope we can afford to add to it next year.

The treadmill arrived early. We were able to get it in the house and unpack it.

Ron’s sutures were bothering him, so I made mac and cheese for his lunch. He’s been gloomy all day.

Ron cut a spool of fabric wire in half to make two one by five foot squirrel barriers for “the oval”. I weeded and dug a ditch for the tulip bulbs. Planning to finish up tomorrow, maybe get some mulch at Mahoney’s.

Trump crashed the market with a tweet that he is putting another stimulus package on hold. Someone should tell this amateur to leave the grown up stuff to professionals.