3.6 Miles

Yesterday, Ron walked 2.6 and I walked 3.6, over 9,000 steps.

Feel fine this morning.

Ron volunteered to start cleaning the solar panels. The new squeegee works well.

We received our pandemic “gifts” from the feds today. Thank you, Grands.

I’ve been practicing crochet. Picked the wrong yarn for beginners, but it’s helping to distract me while we watch TV. I usually fall asleep anyway: bed by 8:30, up by 4:30. Seems to work.

It’s becoming more challenging to stay on the straight and narrow as far as “mindful” eating goes. For example, have had oatmeal for breakfast for the past 6 weeks: more nutritious but not as satisfying as bagels.

Still, 1200 calories can be surprising. I made a fine lunch today with fettucini, raw vegetables (carrots, cuke, sweet red pepper) and a peanut/tamari/mirin/soy sauce plus a little garlic and chili powder. Used up about 1/3 of the daily allotment and well worth it