
Ron had the chipper working yesterday. I spread last year’s barrel around trees and bushes.

I also cut back the autumn clematis and dug out grass under the maple.

The MRTC had a virtual meeting last evening at which new officers were elected.

Ron is glum – again. We went to Walmart for his prescription, not the one he wanted, but it provided an opportunity to stock up on a few staples: dill weed, oatmeal, chips.

I also bought some weed killer for invasives that are spreading on the lawn. Sprayed them, leaving it overnight, we’ll see how things look tomorrow.

Made chocolate pudding and a stir fry with the pea shoots that are difficult to soften up.

Finally, I moved the sewing machine upstairs and finished some mending. Didn’t have as much as I thought, although I did fix a shopping bag, zigzagged stitched a pair of pajama bottoms and sewed a button on a pair of shorts. I decided to recycle several garments that are pretty much beyond repair.

Having the machine on the desk worked out very well, so I might leave it there.

We did a walk in the neighborhood that put me over goal for the day. I was a pain in the neck and wanted to take Old Barnstable back. Ron graciously agreed.

I did a small amount of yardwork, too, spread more wood chip mulch. Picked up Bonnie 6-packs at Walmart; those will go in tomorrow, which should complete the cold weather garden.

Renewed my subscription to MyHeritage at 10 percent off.