I picked up bagels at the Senior Center and went straight to Edgewater to get Peter’s help with trash and recyclables before he went to work.
Went with Ron to his doctor’s new office for blood work, then we offloaded at the transfer station and dropped off the Sandwich library book at their book drop in South Sandwich.
Got a call while in transit from a pest removal company. They set up HaveAHeart traps to catch the squirrels under the solar panels.
Ron cut down a couple of substantial branches which we think the squirrels might have used to get on the roof from the big oak in front.
I removed and wound up the lights from the front bushes and put all the lighting goods in the attic.
More fine-tuning and bug fixes for MRS.
Cold today. 19.
Ron made omelets for lunch. I did stir fry and rice for supper.