One Out Of Four; Forty Percent; Liberation Theology

One out of four people who live in Barnstable County are of Irish origin.

Forty percent of the people who live in Barnstable County are Catholic.

They grew up believing this, which explains almost everything that’s wrong with this place:

I knew from my catechism book that following the wishes of authority figures was a way of “showing God how much we love him. We show this especially when we obey in something we do not feel like doing.” 

This reader’s comment pretty much covers the rest:

The Catholicism at home, which was based on social justice, was different from that at school, where we were taught obedience through fear and an unearned sense of superiority (as long as we followed the rules).

I agree with this reader’s comment:

Anyone who stays now, after all the truth that has been revealed is an ENABLER and complicit in the catholic church’s crimes against humanity.

Father Drinan and the Berrigan brothers must be spinning in their graves so fast it’ll throw the Earth off its axis: “We confront the Catholic Church, other Christian bodies and the synagogues of America with their silence and cowardice in the face of our country’s crimes.”

There must have been a cataclysmic fold in space/time on November 8, 2016 that brought us back to the fifties.