Peter came over this morning in the new car. Gave him some produce.
He denigrated the car’s appearance, but I think it’s a superstitious thing: if he praises it too much, something bad will happen. “The Chinese have curiously enough the same superstition … that is to be found among the poorer classes of France and England; … if you praise your child’s good health, or rejoice by words upon any happy event, ill luck is sure to follow.” Folk-Lore Journal
I picked up a few things at Aubuchon, including trim paint for the new room, and half-off vegetable plants at Soares: tomatoes, peppers, musk melons, watermelon, basil.
Ron and I worked in 90 degree heat to dig out a trench for the raised bed garden. I think he also did some watering.
Ron couldn’t find his iPhone – it was on a chair in the kitchen in one of his boat shoes – so we checked to see if he had Find My iPhone set up. He did.
I’d forgotten that it’s part of iCloud, so you can find the phone in a browser, not a separate app. I find the way Apple thinks to be very confusing.
Made strawberry pancakes for supper for Ron.
Painted the top, bottoms and sides of the walls in the new room.
Signed up yesterday to be a Sister on the Ground for SOS.