Bomb Cyclone

We’ve been inside all day.

I made noodles with mushrooms, greens, cheese and Ron’s spaghetti sauce for lunch.

We are preparing supper: Ron made rice pudding, I put together a broccoli and cheese quiche.

Having Ron’s printer hooked up to my laptops is a huge help.

What is NOT a huge help is Ron’s continual criticism in the form of useless, egotistical “suggestions”.

I badly misjudged the volume needed for his recipe and as a result, he spilled a bunch of the pudding mixture on the table and the floor.

Thus, we needed another container and a new strategy for fitting everything – quiche and two containers of pudding – into the oven. Which I figured out. And which he followed by trying to tell me how he would have done it better.

His “plan” made no sense. Moving air. Listening to his own voice.

Meanwhile, the snow/rain mix has changed to snow. We have about 3/4 inch so far, might have another 5 or so hours of it. We’ve been lucky.