Beans; Hearing Aids; Hummer Feeders

Beans have started.

The soil in all the containers was okay this morning, so only had to water the flower boxes.

Took Alpha shopping for a house gift yesterday. We browsed at Country Garden, then found a wind chime at Christmas Tree Shops. They treated me to lime ice cream! Waited for them at the mall afterwards, did a shop myself at CVS; $2 coupon.

Peter is off with the truck. He’s got cleanup help lined up today. He told me the other day that the next door neighbor is pleased with the work the boys did on the fence.

Ron is thrilled with his new hearing aids.

Smokey was here at 6:30; fur was slightly damp and he was very hungry. He slept here for a couple of hours yesterday.

Hummer feeders were almost empty; Ron refilled them. He also went food shopping and did the lawn. We took down the burlap around the moon garden.

I made pesto and eggplant parm. Nice haul from CSA yesterday: tomatoes, greens, eggplant, radishes, garlic. Fall CSA starts in two weeks. Labor Day in less than four!