“JFDI stands for Just Fucking Do It and it is a thing that I’ve found to be hugely effective when I’m piddling around whining to myself that I don’ wanna … 

“The idea of JFDI is basically to take a deep breath and order yourself to bang out that thing you’ve been dreading doing. Because once you JFDI it will be over and done with and right. JFDI.

“The greatest thing about JFDI, other than the fact that it works, is that it’s entirely self-driven. So there’s none of the resentment factor of someone else telling you what to do…”

Jezebel: The Fridge and the Microwave Are a Disgusting Hellscape

Jezebel is a genius and my inspiration:  after weeks of I don’ wanna, I removed a ridiculously stuck-on, gooey red substance from the frig today.  Ron gave me a hand, thank goodness, so I didn’t have to get up and down to rinse out cleaning equipment.

Made pork fried rice for us today.  Martha Stewart recipe.  Quite nice.