Snow at 6

Got errands done today: brought the duplicate coffeemaker to UPS; picked up paint for the kitchen and hallway and touched up the slider wall so Ron could mount the new utensil rack (it is gorgeous); got some good deals at Job Lot; picked up a prescription for Ron and a couple other items at Stop & Shop; wrote a recommendation letter for Julia; drove Robert to and from work.

It started snowing around the time I left the house to get Robert.  I saw what looked like a possible collision at South Sandwich Road and 130 on the way back from Edgewater.  I was happy to have done the Stosh run before meeting Robert, and very happy to get home in one piece.  Also relieved to have cancelled a donation scheduled for tomorrow morning that would have required putting everything out tonight.

Ron made an addictive pasta sauce with onion, garlic, herbs, ground turkey, tomatoes, chick peas and Pariah Dog Farm chard.

We got a working timer set up for the tree: finally!