Fake Cheer

I hate this time of year.

As if the constant “Buy Buy Buy” from retailers weren’t enough, we are also beseiged with requests by phone, mail and email from charities and local do-gooders, pitching for everything from farm animals to military families.

Add bad memories, like family get-togethers and office parties. Unapologetically unhealthy cookie recipes. Holiday concerts and house tours, all carrying hefty price tags. Tales of woe about homeless families, despondent refugees, victims of crime. There was even a heartbreaker about a 5 year old boy who died, literally, in the embrace of a Santa-imposter.

Ho Ho Ho.

Our oldest grandson is right, it’s the fake cheer that gets you, especially this year when the federal government has been taken over with the help of people whose consciousness and consciences have taken leave.

You got it, Scrooge.