Ventured Forth

Grouchy or Cheerful Ron?

He was pleased to find a recording of a Pentangle concert he attended in Berkeley in May 1970.

He was grouchy about having an appointment for a blood test this morning.

He picked up some great produce from the CSA yesterday afternoon, including a gorgeous pumpkin.

Cindy called last evening; we are “on” for breakfast this weekend, Cathy’s generous treat.

The boot is more comfortable than the splint. Maybe that’s progress of a sort. At least most of the stitches are out. Sleeping seems a little easier. The boot comes on and off easily and the plastic “sock” still works great for bathing.

I cleaned up a pile of papers from my “desk” yesterday.

I managed to get the scooter in the truck and drove to Mahoney’s for decorative mums. Arranged them with the pumpkin on the front steps. Once again, I regret not having a pulley on the truck bed. Driving was easy; everything else was hard.

Gave up on the bidet install. Would have cost over $1,000. Look what I saved us.

Chatted with the patient advocate at the hospital and with the doc’s office about pain management. It was the doc’s fault that I didn’t have a self-administered drip.

Made stew with ground turkey, zuke, onion, garlic, rutabaga (or is it turnip?)

Cleaned the vegetable bin and the bottom of the refrigerator.