Hatred by the MSM

Despite being raised in a Democratic household, I’ve been enjoying the Republican convention this week, much to the chagrin of most of my family.
This is in the context of being revolted by the amount of money spent by the Obama/Biden campaign and horrified by the bile spewed by their venomous automaton-like supporters in public blogs all over the internet.

In contrast, the speeches by Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani in particular struck me as necessary shock therapy to force a return to common sense.
Instead, the MSM has been unable to liberate itself from its auto-hypnotic, mob-induced reverie, its nostalgia for the Kennedy years and its infatuation with the slim, athletic Obama family who wear clothes so well, unlike John McCain with that unsightly crippled left arm.
Oh, but the left-wing MSM doesn’t like to be reminded of such unpleasant things, particularly where they involve an older white man from a distinguished military family. Their outrage over injustice is meted out only to those with 300 year old claims to same, especially if those injustices include salacious indignities endured by dusky maid(s).
It must be noted that many of these media gurus live in a sheltered world of wealth and privilege, where parents rack up $27,000 tuition bills for their kindergarteners at places like the Little Red Schoolhouse in Greenwich Village. Perhaps this explains the chasm between their perception of reality and those of people whose kids who attend public school, those dens of bullying, mediocrity and public servants who know not the meaning of merit pay.
Thus, these writers and so-called journalists are clueless about how most of the public live, the hardships we overcome on a daily basis and the values that have evolved as a result of those hardships.
In the world of the media elite, where children are little trophies to Mom and Dad’s success, a handicapped child, which I suppose would include either of my two oldest grandchildren, is an uncomfortable inconvenience which should be dispatched as medical waste via a D&C.
People who are productive, i.e., those who work and pay taxes, are to be treated with contempt when they question why their hard-earned money should be given to those who refuse to work out of a sense of entitlement.
All so-called community-based inner city organizations should be treated with reverence, even those like ACORN that are under criminal investigation.
If their daughter becomes pregnant outside of wedlock, parents should demand that their grandchild be aborted rather than being raised in the embrace of an extended family. After all, we can’t stand in the way of a daughter’s fulfillment of her own “potential”, i.e., keeping her figure so she can marry well, and as we all know, no woman has ever graduated from college or graduate school while raising a family, not ever.
Even Paul Krugman, who is normally objective and clear-thinking, is of the opinion that the so-called “Right” is “resentful” of … something, I’m not sure what.
I wonder the reverse: where does the left-leaning media hostility toward Sarah Palin and people like me comes from.
Put more simply: having destroyed the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, and with it the moderate wing of the Democratic party, have they been emboldened to take on yet another “uppity” woman?
I think that perhaps the MSM has caught on to the possibility that the Obama-ites will revolt if McCain/Palin win, and they are covering their posteriors in that event, the theory being that if Manhattan erupts in flames on November 5, the mob will remember that the New York Times employs Maureen Dowd and Bob Herbert.
Unfortunately, history suggests that written sympathy to the mob isn’t necessarily reciprocated, the example of Robespierre being especially instructive.