First Friday Book Group, Blueberry Muffins

Attended the book group for a discussion of Zone of Influence. Bright bunch.

Made a dozen blueberry muffins from Jiffy mix and frozen berries this morning.

Would like to go out but it’s bloody cold: 9 degrees earlier. Anyway I ate too much: a scone, piece of rye toast, a blueberry muffin. I’ve been very lazy lately, allowing myself to do nothing but read or watch tv.

Finished James. It’s a good read.

Threw a Screamin Sicilian pizza in the oven; would have been very good but it broke in the freezer so I couldn’t put it directly on the oven rack. Used the heat to roast squash and bake potatoes for tomorrow.

Missed the Bay State Figuring Skating Competition ice show, again. Just too cold to traipse from who knows where to the rink at Williams College.

Snow Showers

Don’t know how snow showers differ from flurries, but we’ve had them off and on today and expected to continue tomorrow. It’s all quite lovely and Victorian.

Got a fine letter from my last living aunt who enjoyed our holiday greetings, which I so much appreciate.

Dropped off checks to Town Hall for the water/sewer and transfer station drop-off fee, returned Conclave to the library, then did yet another grocery shop.

Very, very, very lazy these days. I fell asleep watching The Bulwark. We turned off the tellie after PBS Newshour.

I decided not to continue reading All the Light… I think it’s not good for me right now. I’ll try powering through James.

Restarted my computer this evening. Hope the popup messages stop.

Was thinking about going to the Store at Five Corners to hear a singing group tonight but changed my mind.

New Year’s

Made two trips to the transfer station yesterday, one with the tree and the other with the grasses we cut down earlier in the week.

Ron got us a bottle of Prosecco. I brought home a salad, coffee and mozzarella sticks.

We went to bed early.

Have had good luck with the little coffee maker from the Wild Soul River donation shelf, even though the carafe is a mismatch.

The Check Engine light in the truck has been off since the exhaust system work was done and I cleared the codes, knock on wood.

Big snowstorm predicted for Vermont and North Berkshire County. Hope it misses us.

Baked packaged cinnamon rolls and roasted squash, carrots, potatoes and beets.