Attended the book group for a discussion of Zone of Influence. Bright bunch.
Made a dozen blueberry muffins from Jiffy mix and frozen berries this morning.
Would like to go out but it’s bloody cold: 9 degrees earlier. Anyway I ate too much: a scone, piece of rye toast, a blueberry muffin. I’ve been very lazy lately, allowing myself to do nothing but read or watch tv.
Finished James. It’s a good read.
Threw a Screamin Sicilian pizza in the oven; would have been very good but it broke in the freezer so I couldn’t put it directly on the oven rack. Used the heat to roast squash and bake potatoes for tomorrow.
Missed the Bay State Figuring Skating Competition ice show, again. Just too cold to traipse from who knows where to the rink at Williams College.