Corolla Two Year Checkup

Brought the Corolla to K-M and had lunch at the Food Project afterwards.

Attended the writing group meeting at the Senior Center. I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this group. If I’m accepted for CTI Advanced Manufacturing Training at McCann, I would need to drop it for the Spring anyway.

Made a heavy soup from a packet that I picked up at the Food Project. Also brought home cinnamon bread and lettuce for a salad.

Watched part of the nomination hearings and the last chapter of American Primeval. Loved Betty Gilpin’s Sarah, will miss her.

Wrote to Senator Rand Paul about the Russell Vought nomination. Won’t matter he’s already issued a statement of support, but got a nice canned email response.

North Adams

Spent the afternoon in North Adams.

Met with a representative from MassHire to fill out paperwork and show my credentials to establish eligibility for the program. This includes an income requirement which for this program I actually qualify.

He seems to think that there are plenty of jobs in the Pittsfield area. The training is a commitment: 4 afternoon/evenings a week for 3 months, February to May. It would certainly be worth it to get skills and employment.

Afterwards I barged in on the Tunnel City writing group.

Full Monday

Haircut by Lori at the Senior Center. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Pile of cut hair on the floor looked like a cat.

Dropped off census survey at Town Hall.

Picked up on-hold materials at the Library.

Sat in on Career Center Seminar. Never received the instructions but fortunately one of the representatives sent me the coordinates beforehand. I think we are meeting tomorrow afternoon at the North Adams Library to review my eligibility documents.

Ron went out for beer and wine. It’s snowing a little. He made it back safely, ended up going to bed early.

Cabbage Soup

We watched a video of the steps to prepare this healthy soup the other day and decided it would be a good way to use up a cabbage we’ve been storing for weeks from our CSA.

Ron did all the chopping: whole cabbage, carrots, garlic, onions, celery. We added a couple of cans of chopped tomatoes, veg broth and spices.

It’s been snowing off and on all day. No need to go out so a good time to take on a cooking project with lots of prep.

Meanwhile I worked on cleaning a coffee stain from the living room carpet. An oxy-based Bissell product seems to have worked the best but still hard on the back and shoulders.

I’m giving up on doing any more with the corner closet so put back the a/c and tv tables, leaving room for the vacuum cleaner. At least the holes in the floor and the wall are closed and the outlet is fixed.

Tough Night, Good Day

I woke up in a lot of pain in my right hand around 4 am, think it was carpal tunnel. Took acetaminophen, woke up again, finally slept in.

Made it to the drawing session at the Clark, saw Greg and his neighbor. My drawing and my hand-with-pencil got videoed for a promotional piece for the Clark.

Picked up a med at Walmart. Did a shop at Stop & Shop.

Signed up at the last minute for the Log Lunch and the fine presentation by Berkshire Jail & House of Corrections Aquaponics Sergeant Jason Turner, supervisor, and Robin McGraw, founder: “WHY AQUAPONICS NOW?”

Donated Blood, Transfer Station

Dropped a book off at the library and there was the bloodmobile.

So, I canceled my planned workday at Remedy Hall and donated blood instead.

Picked up groceries at Dollar General.

Made two runs to the transfer station in spite of the cold. First run was paper and plastic recyclables. The second was compost and trash.

Attempted Bubbles, Finished Frig

I tried making Pustefix bubbles for the kids but ended up spilling the solution and making a mess. Ordered a giant refill from eBay.

Finished cleaning the frig. A testament to our immune systems. Actually not that horrible, but I did have a lot for the compost bucket.

I want to go to the transfer station but dread the cold. Would rather watch tv or read and drink beer.

Drapes, Frig

I found the drapes in the closet in Ron’s “office”! They are very wrinkled but the big drawback is their length, awkward unless I change the location of the trunks, and their weight, too much for the curtain rod.

I cleaned about half of the frig. Chucked the gone-bads and washed the shelves.

We had a quick pizza lunch at the senior center. The people we sat with had things to do so we didn’t stay.

Ron picked up house brand AREDS at Walgreens for a decent price.

Ordered an ink cartridge for the Canon printer.

January 6

Picked up shoes and pants to try on or donate from a nice lady at 330 Cole.

After lunch at the Food Project, stood out with members of the First Congregational Church in North Adams and three members of Greylock Together in Williamstown.

It was cold, maybe 20 degrees and a bit windy.

Stopped in to Remedy Hall to talk with Andy about volunteering and to look at drapes.

Visited the Senior Center, signed us up for pizza tomorrow and a haircut for me next Monday.

Did nothing at home for the afternoon besides eat, drink tea and wine, watch tv including the certification of the election and thaw out.

Changed the sheets, put away laundry.

Still no word from the Pittsfield people on the loan.


We watched football and were lucky enough to see the Patriots win.

Seems we are in for a cold week.

I made a casserole yesterday with squash, refried beans, olives, cheese, corn, naan and sauteed onions and peppers. Good.