Peter’s Birthday

Saw him briefly this morning, and Ron dropped off a 6 pack of Stella d’Artois when he brought Robert home this evening.

Ron whipped out his trusty chain saw and we filled up the truck with Russian olive branches from the right side of the yard. Got it done in time to bring it to All Cape, where we met a famous dog who has lived the longest under treatment for his illness in the US.

I finished the shed! Attached the 3 hasps and the roof holder.

Ron had an appointment in Plymouth and did some shopping in Falmouth.

I took some photos with the iPhone and figured out how to upload them to iCloud, Facebook and Instagram.


Had stomach pain until 2 am this morning.

Yesterday, we changed sheets, did the transfer station run and drove the two grands to work. I made pumpkin soup and filled the window boxes with evergreens and holly boughs. Peter got back in time to pick up Alpha at 10.

I May Be Good, but I Am Not Nice

The Bible defines goodness for us as “an inherent rightness of being.” It never ever mentions niceness. It never equates it with beauty or talent. It never, ever mistakes it for showmanship. (Moses himself had a lisp and timidly refused his mandate by God to lead the Jews out of Egypt.) If anything, it warns us from the very beginning to beware of pretense.

Good Versus Nice

Nice But Not Good

End of Year Thought

As the year comes to a close, we don’t know anyone personally who is worse off than us. I think that means we can honestly look the Third World in the face and not be ashamed.

Meanwhile, we managed to get the shed sides and doors on today, making me/Ron “Three Shed MacInnis”.

Winter Safety Quiz

Good to know the 3 foot rule. We had a heat lamp installed in our bathroom years ago because using Ron’s old space heater made me nervous. I’ve wondered if it was a waste of money, but our bathroom is so small, there’s no way we’d have had 3 feet of clearance.

“Ahead” $640?

I cancelled tree work ($490) – stupid to have even looked into it – and finished raking the front yard ($150) at Edgewater today, about 3 hours work, total, including yesterday.

Snow blower is in the shop, the gentleman from Heights Small Engine Repair picked it up today. He was nice enough to help me put a pile of leaves on my truck. Made two trips to the transfer station today.

Brought home holly branches from Edgewater and evergreen branches (from Botello) for the window boxes.

Kitty was waiting for me when I got home, around 1:30 or so. He was here earlier this morning, around 8.

Earlier this week, I got some info on the Wound Center charges. Incredibly, insurance/Medicare paid the great bulk of it. The big benefit we get, though, are their negotiated rates. At least, it’s presented to look that way.

I enabled FindMyiPhone today. It works great!

Ron had a doctor’s appointment.

Three Good Turns Today

I had help today from three unexpected sources: AppleCare, Peter’s across the street neighbor and a couple of landscape company workers who were doing leaf cleaning next door.

I got to Edgewater late, around 3, and stayed until a little after 5. My plan was to clean up the rock garden, which was piled with leaves and had dozens of gone-bys.

The leaf blower worked great, even on wet leaves, so I was able to clean up almost the whole front yard.

The landscape company workers took pity on me and moved all the heavy leaves from the street to the little wooded area on the right side of the yard.

The neighbor helped me lift a tarp full of leaves into the truck, so I can bring all of it to the transfer station tomorrow.

Earlier, a support tech at AppleCare helped me reconfigure Ron’s old iPhone 4. It’s now my phone, with my valid AppleID.

Slow cooker chicken, mashed and beans for supper.