Three Good Turns Today

I had help today from three unexpected sources: AppleCare, Peter’s across the street neighbor and a couple of landscape company workers who were doing leaf cleaning next door.

I got to Edgewater late, around 3, and stayed until a little after 5. My plan was to clean up the rock garden, which was piled with leaves and had dozens of gone-bys.

The leaf blower worked great, even on wet leaves, so I was able to clean up almost the whole front yard.

The landscape company workers took pity on me and moved all the heavy leaves from the street to the little wooded area on the right side of the yard.

The neighbor helped me lift a tarp full of leaves into the truck, so I can bring all of it to the transfer station tomorrow.

Earlier, a support tech at AppleCare helped me reconfigure Ron’s old iPhone 4. It’s now my phone, with my valid AppleID.

Slow cooker chicken, mashed and beans for supper.