Month: January 2015
Did Not Waste the Day
Met, was impressed with and hired a radon remediation company today. They’ll be back next week.
Finished up changes to the Prevent Foreclosure website.
Ron cut down a good chunk of a neighbor’s tree. We delivered the wood to Emme, saw Joanne and Tiny Tim. Dropped off the remaining grasses to the transfer station.
I did 2 loads of laundry and baked the frozen pie from the Winslows and a small corn bread for supper. Ron is making salad, thank goodness, my legs are really tired. Cindy will be over with chili.
Yesterday Ron met with an insurance person referred to us by IA. I was at PT. He didn’t buy anything.
The other day, we were giving Remy treats and Josh walked over to tell us that Remy’s brother died. Very sad for Josh’s father. Ron kindly suggested that he rent “Hachi” and watch it with his Dad. I thought that was extremely thoughtful of him.
Good Sunday
Sometimes I dread Sundays because it’s the day we take on two of the most time-consuming and least satisfying chores of the week: changing sheets/laundry and transfer station run.
It felt easier today because we got started in the morning, around 10. That meant that we were done by 2:30 or so, leaving a good chunk of the day for other things.
It also warmed up a bit, got up to 50 earlier.
Ron is falutin’ it. I did a bit of cleanup in the back (grass fronds) and finally finished the second terrarium with more potting soil, moss and the tiny figurines. Switched out the bulbs in the chandelier because the high-efficiency ones were making me nuts with their flickering. Leg is feeling pretty good; I even drove to the transfer station and back today.
It’s pouring out; I’m watching the Patriots online and feeling sorry for the Pats, the fans at Foxboro and the Anglo Saxon one who has to drive home in what sounds like a deluge.
Market Basket, Water Pitcher Filters
Ron changed the filters in both pitchers.
We had a nice visit with Bonnie, did a shop at Market Basket and picked up a $6.99 Meetinghouse pizza for supper.
Watched “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale”, a lovely film which prompted the sturdy elfin one to have a nightmare about his stepmother, “Dog Woman”.
MBL, Cinema Politica
Yesterday, Ron drove me to an appointment at MBL and was invited to wait for me in their library – nice!
That evening, he drove us to the Falmouth library main branch for a Cinema Politica film.
I made pollock and roast potatoes for dinner and Tomato Korma soup, which we had for lunch today.
Filled up the burlap square around the hydrangea with leaves. It got down to 17° early this morning.
Bad Roads
The owner of Eagle Environmental came by to inspect our basement this morning and give us a quote on a radon mitigation system. We thought his bid was reasonable. We’re getting another bid next week, hope to have this project done by the first week in February at the latest.
Ron reminded me that we haven’t tested at Edgewater, so I ordered a kit from KSU for Peter.
Roads were/are icy today; I’m glad we cut down the last big grasses at Edgewater yesterday. Even the deck was treacherous.
I was hurting a lot today, but the pool exercises seem to have helped.
In between flurries, we cut down the last big grass in our yard. Mid-January, and the yard is finally ready for winter, ha ha.
I made a fish/chicken stew. Used a bottle of rejected IPA – mistake – it made the stew bitter. Sugar, salt, garlic powder and olive oil corrected it.
Ron had one hearing aid repaired. He goes back Thursday for the other one.
It’s about 40° and raining.
Noticed yesterday that some of the leaves on the male skimmia are wind-burned, so I covered it with the last coffee bean bag. The ground is still soft enough to put in stakes by hand.
We came up empty at the senior center this morning, so picked up some groceries at S&S. My legs aren’t great today, so just as well that I can’t do the yard work I’d planned.
Replaced the lightbulb in the oven. Watched last night’s episode of “Downton Abbey”.
Ed dropped by to give us the mortgage interest tax form and chat for a bit. We told him about the Radon test, which came in at 4.1 pCi/L. Ron lined up two companies to give us suggestions on remediation.
Ron cracked me up the other day in Dollar Tree. He kept jawing about his “PWabbit Peeps”. By coincidence, a group of mentally disabled adults was shopping there at the same time. I warned Ron that someone might insist on ushering him to the small bus….I felt terrible afterwards; hope they didn’t think I was laughing at them.
“See you Monday.”
Typical Sunday
We did laundry, changed sheets, did the transfer station run.
I cut down 3 grasses here and 3 more at Edgewater. Made mac and cheese for lunch, meatloaf/roasted veggies/baked potatoes for supper.
Legs hurt.
Warming Up
We had a short spell of single-digit weather with strong winds this past week.
Had my PT session in the pool yesterday; it was productive.
Fun going through the White Flower Farm catalog this morning.
Cindy dropped off the guitar and stayed for a short visit. Mary very ill, not up for company.
Spoke with Mary and Cathy; neither are feeling especially great.
Got my new shears; they are fabulous. Filled up most of the burlap container around the hydrangea with grass and leaves. One of the salesmen at Eastman’s recommended an amazing cleaner that picked up the coffee I spilled the other day in Ron’s room. Picked up ale and cooking sherry at Kappy’s.
Watching Patriots/Ravens online. Ron is playing his new electric guitar!