Good Sunday

Sometimes I dread Sundays because it’s the day we take on two of the most time-consuming and least satisfying chores of the week: changing sheets/laundry and transfer station run.

It felt easier today because we got started in the morning, around 10. That meant that we were done by 2:30 or so, leaving a good chunk of the day for other things.

It also warmed up a bit, got up to 50 earlier.

Ron is falutin’ it. I did a bit of cleanup in the back (grass fronds) and finally finished the second terrarium with more potting soil, moss and the tiny figurines. Switched out the bulbs in the chandelier because the high-efficiency ones were making me nuts with their flickering. Leg is feeling pretty good; I even drove to the transfer station and back today.

It’s pouring out; I’m watching the Patriots online and feeling sorry for the Pats, the fans at Foxboro and the Anglo Saxon one who has to drive home in what sounds like a deluge.