I admire those who have the vocabulary to describe human foibles with flair and precision.
This morning, I received an email with a link about Michael Hanscom, the Seattle-based contractor who was removed from his temp job for posting a photo on his personal weblog, on his own server and on his own time.
Category: Uncategorized
Preserving the Holiday Spirit
It’s done my heart good to see the American consumer doing her/his best to meet retailer expectations this holiday season.
Enough is enough
Okay, I’ve shut up for over 24 hours about Dubya’s exploiting our soldiers yet again for his own personal political gain. But this is enough to turn your stomach.
Friday Five
Hey, kids, it’s Friday Five time!
Let Us Now Give Thanks
It’s Thanksgiving Day 2003, and I got to start the day with my oldest grandchild, Bob/Robert, who is 8.