Good Weather

Great weather today, not too hot and not at all humid.

Ron picked Emme up from work so I could attend a Master Gardener garden talk. We did the trash run earlier in the afternoon and the yard debris run in the morning. Both of us attended O-F Steering meeting. Green and fruit salads and House Special fried rice for supper.
















I worked on the SPEA website this weekend. Found some substantial content on the town website, of all places: bylaws, some very cool maps, 2013 home sales.

We mowed crabgrass here today: I did the front and the left side and Ron did the back and the right. All Cape was closed so I’ll be hauling a truckload of yard debris tomorrow morning. Ron’s been watering like mad. Very little rain this past week. Nice day today, though.


Our kind and muscular neighbors shoved the hutch in the living room to a more logical spot.

Thank goodness!

Ron and I shared Emme transport duty yesterday. I was feeling dissociated and more than a bit disconcerted in the afternoon, not sure why but felt better after taking a couple aspirin and some high quality protein.

We’ve been enjoying “Orange Is the New Black” on Netflix.

An answer to the Eastham Chamber of Commerce member who loves tourism

Better than 90% of Eastham’s income is derived from tourism? Sounds like a made-up number to me. How can anyone afford a house there (average price over half a million) working in a minimum wage industry like tourism?

Tourism upsets the Cape Cod lebenshaltung in more ways than economic. It rewards a least-common-denominator aesthetic, wealth devoid of social concern, superficial prettiness, conformity. It undermines the bohemian, eccentric, artistic yet flinty Yankee character that made this area so beloved to so many.

About Bradley Manning and the Administration’s “Hobbyhorse”

But prosecutors continued to press the more serious charges, which included violations of the Espionage Act, a 1917 law that has become the Obama administration’s hobbyhorse to go after government workers whose actions look nothing like spying. Under President Obama, the government has brought espionage charges more than twice as often under that particular law as all previous administrations combined … Americans accept that material must be classified in the interest of national security. But that acceptance is severely tested when the government classifies more than 92 million documents in a year. [The New York Times]

“It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch.”

002I still miss Fluffles terribly. It’s better than yesterday but still not good. This photo, though, taken less than 3 months ago around his 19th birthday in early May, compared to the fragile little body we buried this week shows how quickly he lost ground.

I’ve been keeping busy with all kinds of things today, but it’s after 5 pm, and I’m still in the terry robe I threw on this morning.

Kind FB friends posted beautiful sympathetic thoughts. It helps to know that others understand.

Fortunately, it’s been raining, so we don’t have to water.

Ron did transport duty today for Emme. I had a long conversation with the president of the homeowners association, paid bills and posted some items on and Ron was quoted in MENT!

Raise Up Massachusetts

Attended a rally for an increase in the minimum wage and paid sick time at the State House yesterday.

Waited for almost an hour at the Charlie Ticket Store to get a senior pass and as a result, missed the 6:00 bus by 5 minutes, so had to take the 8:00. Had a nice supper at the South Station train terminal and read “Game of Thrones”. Was late enough to miss the traffic on 151 from the demo derby at the fair.