Thank Goodness (For A/C)

Watered the back lawn and put down Jonathan Green Weed and Feed.

Put up the new crook and hummingbid feeder from Job Lot near the Montauks.

Soaked to the skin.

Scrubbed and scrubbed the bathroom floor this morning. There was spray all around the toilet. Ron suggested putting blue food coloring in the tank so we could see if there’s leakage in the seal. So far, nothing. We think it was Mr. Fluffles. He had an accident on one of the mats this morning.

Gold finches like the front gardens and the oval.

Active? Yes, We Are

Ron made iced tea yesterday, set up the living room A/C and helped me clean and organize the shed.

I drove Emme to and from work and ran errands before cleaning and organizing the shed.

I was uncoordinated all day, not sure what was going on unless it’s because I’m wearing old glasses to see if that stops the redness around my eyes. So far, it hasn’t.

Packed and sent off the Shun Chef’s knife.

Traded assignments for this Friday’s house tour.

One of my favorite photos of Ron.

Always Something To Do

It’s after 12:30 and we’ve been busy since 8 this morning.

I don’t understand how this is possible. I think it’s a combination of gardens and a cat, two labor-demanding lifeforms that I didn’t have when I was working.

Made coffee, fed Mr. Fluffles, went to the Senior Center to drop off a donation to the thrift shop and pick up free bread and a pie.

Sometimes in that same trip (Mondays, Tuesdays and sometimes Fridays) we do business at the bank and sometimes we drop off books or tapes to the library.

After today’s senior center run, we finished breakfast and did watering and pruning. Made a hosta flower arrangement. Cut up a 25 pound watermelon, sent a chunk with Ron to Edgewater and made tomato/feta/watermelon salad.

Ron is in the process of fixing a closet door.

Fluffles’ Road Trip

Emme and James walking beneath a 125 year old tree.
Emme and James walking beneath a 125 year old tree.

We did our summer trip to Newport yesterday with Emme, James and Mr. Fluffles. Lucked out for weather: no rain, but boy was it hot and humid.

Ron set up a neat arrangement for the Fluff in the back of the van: cage, litter box, water dish. I picked up the kids in the truck and brought their trash and yard clippings to the transfer station. They were grossed out by the “big house”! Good, hope that helps them appreciate the conditions under which some people work.

Fluffles is a good traveler and was quiet the entire time. He’s fine today as well. We think this was his first trip off Cape.

The air bag light went on in the van, but we got home safely. Ron’s got an appointment to leave it at the shop tomorrow night.

We had a great time with the kids: visited the Green Animals topiary garden for the first time. It’s an enchanting place. The kids liked the T-Rex the best.

We stopped for lunch at the Newport Creamery on Route 114 and drove to Ocean Drive to see the kite festival. The kids were pleased to see the octopus kite again. So many cars on Ocean Drive and in Newport; we couldn’t quite escape the traffic hard as we tried. We took 214 and 138 back; much prettier drive than 114.


I’ve seen a hummingbird flying around the Bee Balm the last couple of days, but can’t find the feeder.

Ron and I transported Emme to her job at the Falmouth Chamber yesterday. She’s drafted an attractive logo for their 100th anniversary. She likes the work so far; fingers crossed that her first job will continue to go well.

I pruned the front bushes yesterday and retrieved some pretty flowers from the big hydrangea. Put them in containers on the deck, Woods Hole doyen style. Wouldn’t we love a screened-in porch with a glider!

Grilled a couple of steaks yesterday that I’d marinated the night before. Not especially good cuts of beef.

Sprayed the roses again yesterday.



010Two nights ago, we attended a lecture at the Jonsson Center.


Ron and I have been watering this evening. It’s been cloudy and muggy all day, but the thunderstorms have headed north and west of us.

I tied up the plants in the front with gardener’s tape and did a little weeding. Being outside feels like walking through water. For the sake of the plants, I love June and hate July and August.

I posted several items on the O-F websites yesterday and today.

Sprayed the roses.


The editors of the Cape Cod Times published my letter on Workplace Bullying as a “My View” column.


Got a call this morning from a doctor who wanted to know how she could help.

Ron and I did a big shop at Market Basket.

I went to Steering last night and am getting caught up with website posts.

Van needs another day at least at Cormier’s. The cruise control cable was so old that it needs to be replaced.

Garden is really pretty these days. Saw a hummingbird this morning! It liked the Bee Balm. Ron made sweet syrup; now, if I could only find the feeder.

Too Hot

It had to have hit over 100 today; it was 99 in the shade.

We brought Emme to the Fire Ball ceremony last night. Lots of enthusiasm and very impressive strength and bravery on the part of the players.

We went back to the Pow Wow this morning to hear Emma Jo play the flute. We didn’t stay long, too hot.

Had a rough morning, woke up around 5:45 am with muscle pain in my back and right arm. Thought it was either from the sunburn, sleeping in a bad position or a heart problem. Took an aspirin and a reflux med and went back to sleep.

Fell asleep for over 2 hours after Ron made lunch – crabmeat salad, excellent. Ron’s really been taking a lot of the load off, and I appreciate that!

Made turkey salad from yesterday’s bird for supper. Had grilled the turkey breast (Ron split it) and was amazed at how juicy it came out. Fluffles has really been enjoying it, too!

We skipped Blithewold, unfortunately. Stupid of me to sign us up, I hadn’t taken Westbound traffic into consideration. It’s been a nightmare. Also, way too hot to leave Fluffles outside. I’ll get there one of these days.