First Frost

The back yard is covered with pine needles.

We had our first frost Friday night (today is Sunday).  It ruined the basel (forgot to harvest it) and the impatiens.

I repotted the begonias today and put them in the shed for the night along with the jasmine.

I’ve accomplished almost nothing else today besides stand for two hours in Falmouth Center so I could see my friend David complete his first marathon (awesome, great weather), drop by the very end of the Sea Mist annual meeting to pick up handouts, and stop in to the “Farmers Market” across the street.

Camp Greenough

Visited the Boy Scout camp in Yarmouthport yesterday for a STEM fair.  What a gorgeous spot!  Then stopped off at the Mashpee Town landing on Timberlane Road to visit Santuit Pond.

Santuit Pond at the Town landing
Santuit Pond at the Town landing
Overlooking Greenough Pond.
Tractor drove us around from the parking lot to the dining hall.


Fish Chowder

I made a pretty decent fish chowder this week using last weekend’s clam broth as a base. I added mixed vegetables, bay leaf, onions, celery, turkey pastrami, bacon and potatoes.

Sent Ron into throes of joy this morning with sauteed onions, collards and tomatoes seasoned with smoked paprika and topped with poached eggs and cheese.

I’ve been trying to arrange a showing of Robert Reich’s film, but it’s just too costly. Talk about Inequality for All!

Splurge, No-Plow

I baked cinnamon rolls for breakfast, took Ron out for lunch at the re-opened Thai restaurant in Deer Crossing and picked up meatloaf, Moroccan carrots and a stuffed potato for supper from Windfall.

Spent most of the day prepping for the interview this morning. I’ll rejoice when it’s done.

I printed letters for the Dixon neighbors about the DPW’s requests to make our street plowable. Ron and I walked them to each house and got to chat with a couple of neighbors, which was nice.

We Are Women (Hear Us Roar)

Lori Robbins and I managed to clear the building material debris that she’d pulled out of her basement a few weeks ago.

We made two trips to the Bourne refuse facility. 700 pounds, $33, under budget. They could not have been nicer to us at Bourne.

Lori told me about some paths that she likes around Santuit Pond.

I was able to get to my appointment with “Doc” Schortman on time, but he passed on extracting my tooth. They made an appointment with an oral surgeon.

Talked with the town Treasurer about how long it takes for Mashpee to seize property for non-payment of taxes: 3 years. One piece of property designated for conservation land at this week’s Town Meeting has been owned by the Town for ten years.

Met with a tree guy this morning. He wants a lot of money for work we can pretty much do ourselves.

Booked an appointment to talk with the school superintendent about his “Mashpee is Dogpatch” comments last night. Not true: our average income is higher than both Falmouth and Bourne. Our percentage of college grads is higher than the state average.

Ron and I took a walk up and down Dixon to figure out which trees need to be pruned to meet the DPW standards.


I got a number of errands done today and started prepping for my interview this week. We both got flu shots at the town clinic.

Made eggplant parmesan and from-scratch sauce for supper. HUGE eggplant, we’ll get three meals out of it.

Went to Town Meeting, short and sweet. Tyler was videoing!

At Least They Liked My Chili

Ron was right, my run for a Board position in the neighborhood association was a waste of time.  

Aside from appreciating Ron, Emme, James and Ethan even more for their loyalty, I’m still trying to figure out what I learned from the experience, other than understanding how it feels to be shunned.

I’ve taken the website and FaceBook page down as well as the email accounts and blocked the perpetrators from my email client. Shunning works both ways.

Big Campaign, Ron’s Dream Ride, Milkweed

We were thinking about going to Newburyport today, but that plan got scuttled because of me.  I’ve been so anxious about this campaign – the last time I ran for anything was in secretarial school and of course, I was defeated – that I woke up at 2:30 this morning fussing over my sign.

Ron let me sleep in. I finished the sign (two-sided) and we posted it at Edgewater. Spent about $6 on this big campaign. Have gotten more than my share of hate emails, an ugly FB post and an angry phone call. Will be glad when it’s over.  On a more positive note, distributed the milkweed seeds behind the summer sweet.










Ron spotted this beauty a week or so ago, and we saw it again today at Roche Bros.  I’m pretty sure it cost about the same as my first house.