Ordered Specs; Virtual Tasting

We had a good rain on Tuesday. I picked peppers and brought home a load of produce.

Cindy came over yesterday evening and Cathy is expected around noon today.

Weedman was here yesterday to lime and reseed.

After checking out prices at Bayview, Walmart and Warby Parker, I ordered new specs from 39Dollar glasses.

Submitted reward claims to Harvard Pilgrim yesterday for the flu shot, annual wellness physical and colonoscopy.

Ron made a couple of trips to the transfer station, post office and Stop & Shop.

Watched the Barrett hearings off and on. Not clutching my pearls: it could have been Barr.

We participated in an online “tasting” courtesy of Roche Brothers. They distributed cheese, cracker, chocolate and hummus samples to the first fifty per store to respond to their Facebook invite. It was difficult to hear some of the presentations but we did enjoy the samples along with grapes, wine and fig jam.

-Narragansett Creamery Burrata

-Narragansett Creamery Grilling Cheese

-High Lawn Farm Wilde Field

-Effie’s Cocoa Cakes

-Mystic Cheese Melinda Mae

-Vermont Nut Free Crispy Milk Chocolate Bar

-Brewer’s Sea Salt Crackers

-Chica de Gallo Guacamole

-Vermont Smoke & Cure sticks

-Cedar’s Hummus Original

-Cabot Seriously Sharp

-Tribe Chocolate Hummus

-Just Hummus Original

-Lake Champlain 57% Dark

-Daniele Diced Pancetta


Did about an hour of picking at Pariah Dog, eggplant and turnips.

Dropped off shredding at Cape Cod 5’s event. Very short line.

Spent the afternoon with Geri and Free. She’d found a gorgeous leather jacket for Ron that “fits to a T”. Her friend Paul dropped by with FDA food and invited me to take home a huge onion, cottage cheese and shredded mozzarella: could be lasagna or a casserole.

On the way to the truck, Geri pointed out a bee-decorated coat rack on their “free” table: perfect for Selin. I got to see her and her property, as well as the bee hive.

Ron was busy grinding branches and filled up a barrel-plus. He wants to finish today.

Too Old For This?

So happy to have made it to the transfer station this morning. It was a little crazy, big trucks picking up donations and electronics, and the recycling parking spaces were full.

I picked up a few groceries at Roche and (free) photos at Walgreens.

Watered the front and back lawn and the transplants, and swept pine needles off the deck and driveway. I have already walked a mile today.

First Mow of New Grass

After Ron raked piles of pine needles off the lawn, I mowed front and back; walked almost 2 miles yesterday doing chores.

Roasted carrots and potatoes. Made eggplant parm. Baked two loaves of zucchini bread.

Set up the little tv in the kitchen to keep me company while I cook.

Senior Flu Shots (Finally); Bulbs

I finished planting the bulbs, added Bulb Tone to the trench, placed and anchored the grids and covered the area with mulch from Mahoney’s.

We had to wait for quite a while, but we were able to get our inoculations at Convenient MD.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get to the transfer station as I’d hoped. Traffic and a road closure bogged us down.

To take the sting off a wasted trip, we stopped at Andy’s for beer.

Farm; Irrigation Off; Treadmill

Did a couple of hours of bean picking. CSA boxes got done early, so I got ours on my way out.

Irrigation system is off for the year. Hope we can afford to add to it next year.

The treadmill arrived early. We were able to get it in the house and unpack it.

Ron’s sutures were bothering him, so I made mac and cheese for his lunch. He’s been gloomy all day.

Ron cut a spool of fabric wire in half to make two one by five foot squirrel barriers for “the oval”. I weeded and dug a ditch for the tulip bulbs. Planning to finish up tomorrow, maybe get some mulch at Mahoney’s.

Trump crashed the market with a tweet that he is putting another stimulus package on hold. Someone should tell this amateur to leave the grown up stuff to professionals.

So, What’ll Happen on Day 7?

Trump is out of the hospital before the worst of the coronavirus infection. It’s around day 5 and the “hot spot” is the period from day 7 to 10.

I did a shop at Shaw’s, a useless appointment for new eyeglass lenses and a short trip to the transfer station. Picked up groceries last evening at Stop & Shop.

Listened off and on to the Senate debate. Disgusted with WGBH, it was poorly managed. Would have liked to have heard more from O’Connor. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy, but hate to see another Trumpist in the Senate.

West Barnstable; Big TV; Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Brought a pile of vegetables to Geri’s for a trifle dish salad. Turned out well. She loved the tootsie roll/peanut butter fudge, too.

I was pleased that Free is able to chew the dog biscuits I got for him, and with no apparent difficulty.

Geri sent me home with a bunch of gifts, including the trifle dish, two beautiful capes and a two-person fondue set.

We walked to the “petting zoo” and stopped at the library. I picked up an old Finnish American newspaper for Ron.

After separating it from its base, we got the big TV in the house with little difficulty. I couldn’t get the old Roku to work with cables, so we bought an HDMI cable for $7 at Walmart that works “okay”. I set up the channels: Netflix, Prime, PBS, Kanopy, Locast. Nice to be able to read the fine print!

Made broccoli cheddar soup for lunch/supper yesterday. Oatmeal this morning. Signed us up for flu shots on the 27th just in case we don’t get them sooner.

Rain; TV

Rained yesterday morning.

We did a transfer station run with the old tv and trash; recycling was closed for plastic and paper.

Picked up the big TV at Cindy’s late yesterday afternoon.

Made tootsie roll/peanut butter fudge this morning.

Rain; Day 4; Transplants; Planning Ahead; Ron’s New Tooth

We got some rain today, but not enough to put much of a dent into our dry soil.

Earlier, I watered the grass seed. Four days to go.

Made veg burgers and salad for lunch; Ron cooked a bunch of asparagus. I ruined it for myself by eating crackers and butter. Will probably skip supper.

Did a little workout on the rower, then transplanted the poor Montauk daisies that I pulled out, bare root, yesterday. Put them in three clumps in the hydrangea garden at the top of the driveway. I figure they’ll get some sun and water there and maybe something will “take”. Doesn’t hurt to try.

Water Department helped me figure out how to read the meter to see how much we’ve used since April. I figured out what we owe so far and found that Ron’s FSA has enough of a balance to reimburse him for the rest of the year. Transferred funds to the savings account to help pay for water and property taxes in November.

Ron is at the dentist to start the implant process.