What Weekend?

It’s Monday morning and I can’t remember doing anything even close to 16 hours of time well used from this past weekend.

I tried to get the garlic shipment from the post office yesterday, but the best they could do was to leave a note for the carrier that I’d be picking it up.

The carrier, of course, ignored the note. Another demerit for the Mashpee PO.

I did find vital wheat gluten flour at Roche, of all places. This was an unexpected and most appreciated surprise. Now I can make the mushroom seitan for the Thanksgiving/anniversary dinner.

Ron seems to have finished the window boxes – finally. He’s satisfied that he learned a lot. I think they look great.

Saturday, I did the MTR standout and drove with Geri and Free to Chatham for the Georgia voter postcards and balsamic vinegar at Gustare. We didn’t hang out in Chatham center; too crowded and not “my” kind of shopping. On the way back, we did find a nice conservation area, Texeira Conservation Lands, and did a very short walk. It was dark by the time I got home.

Yesterday I wrote and mailed the postcards. Three of the twenty people on my list are deceased, so I have extras. Aside from the shop, laundry and changing sheets, that was about the only productive use of Sunday. I did start watching “Rise of the Nazis”, with all its blatant parallels to Trumpism.

Made arrangements to have dinner on Wednesday with Robert and James!

What Did We Do Yesterday?

I did finish cleaning up the last two vegetable garden plots.

It was freezing yesterday; 22° this morning. I temporarily hurt my hands by working without gloves.

We did the transfer station run and a short shop.

Ron shut off the sillcocks; I turned off the water to the outdoor shower and drained the sillcocks. The placement of the ceiling tiles is a nuisance. Poor Ron tried for a good half hour to put them back; I suggested he give up and have lunch, then found that a coat hanger worked pretty well.

After trying unsuccessfully to order holiday foods online at Whole Foods, which for some reason didn’t want to accept either of our debit cards, I decided to cook instead and figured out a menu for Thanksgiving/our anniversary.

Finally cleaned up the list of compromised passwords.

Watched a documentary about George Soros until about quarter to ten last night. It wasn’t very informative.

Ron worked on the window boxes. I’m looking forward to getting them back up for winter decorations.

Today Ron had an appointment at Beltone and did a small shop for next week. I dropped off the little Green Machine, cleaning solution and instructions to Geri, who reciprocated with coffee and blueberry muffins. I pretty much finished the front of fence fall pruning.

Thoroughly sick of non-news about Covid19 (“it’s bad”) and Trump & Co’s shenanigans (“they’re a danger to the republic”).

I miss the grands.

More Weeding

It seems impossible, but even after al the weeding I did this summer and hours of it this fall, I pulled out plenty more yesterday.

I got the garlic garden ready for planting. The old strawberry garden looks pretty good. I hope to finish the last two today.

Yesterday I made soup from on-hands: kale, cabbage, three kinds of potatoes, carrots, peppers, onion, garlic and red wine. Also made a salad.

Paid bills this morning.

Free; Yardwork; Garlic

Free was ailing, the vet thinks it’s pancreatitis. As of yesterday, he seemed to be better.

I’ve been cleaning up the flower gardens.

Joined the MTR standout late on Saturday due to intestinal distress. Did a walk at Falmouth Heights. Mowed the front of the fence.

Spent about two hours planting garlic at the farm yesterday. Picked up prescriptions and shopped at Walmart afterwards, redeemed two of the three gift cards on groceries and staples.

Fierce storm last night, brief power outage but was restored by 5:30 am.

Did more weeding and pruning this morning and a transfer station run that was less crowded than what Tony described over the weekend.

Good news about Free!

Called around for garlic but not finding any, ordered some from Gilroy (!)

Did buy shredded straw from Waquoit, enough for both garlic and strawberries.

Spent some time weeding the oldest veg garden. Pulled out feet (yards?) of hairy, rope-like milkweed roots.

Visit with Free; Roasting Vegetables

We got to bring Free to the house while Geri had dental surgery in North Falmouth. I was impressed with the doctors.

She stayed with us for a couple of hours so she could eat and get her bearings. Free devoured treats and eggs with cheese! Ron did a good-sized shop for her and drove the lot of us to West Barnstable. We stopped at S&S on the way home.

I didn’t do a whole lot else. Dropped off kale to Cindy’s car at work and washed/prepped/stored vegetables from the prior day’s CSA.

Roasted a pile of vegetables this morning: carrots, turnip, brussel sprouts, cabbage, spaghetti squash, broccoli. Baked potatoes. Made a medium-sized salad.

Brought in the new chair so Ron could put rust preventative on it. Stupidly, I’d left the wheelbarrow and a hoe outside, so put them in as well. The wheelbarrow needed a brief wash. Unpleasant, it’s been raining all day.

Last CSA

Spent yesterday morning at the farm harvesting kale and carrots and bagging potatoes. Final box was a very good one, including two stalks of brussel sprouts, which I cleaned and washed this morning along with kale for us and for Cindy.

Stopped at Job Lot and CVS and didn’t do too much else yesterday besides eat and watch tv: dog tired.

Did a little home gym, dusted, paid bills, and helped Ron reconcile his checkbook with the bank this morning.

I’d received a full credit earlier this month from the lamp people. They emailed that we can keep it.

Also received three gift cards from Harvard Pilgrim yesterday: $125 for reporting preventive care activities, like annual checkup and flu shot!

Didn’t Do Much; Jo Helped Joe

Continued weeding the vegetable gardens, did a transfer station run yesterday.

Ron removed the last of the old window boxes, and I painted underneath. We put up a sheet of heavy plastic between his shop and the laundry area.

Put the un-useable hanging lamps in the attic for now.

Turns out, Jo Jorgensen may have thrown the election to Biden: her vote total exceeded his margin of victory in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. I tried, unsuccessfully, to explain this to the Move to Removers.

Harris Wins, We Celebrate

Geri treated us to a fine lunch yesterday: crudities, fruit, salad, soup pizza and tiramisu.

I got to visit with Free while Geri and Ron visited the horse farm.

Afterwards, we exchanged ROKU streaming sticks at Target, and I set up the new one: big difference!

Did more veg garden weeding.

Soup and Sleep

Over the last two days, I made two kinds of soup and other vegetable dishes.

Ron drove us to Falmouth for errands yesterday. He wanted to buy CD sleeves and to make a deposit to his credit union account, and I’d hoped to find glass “jewels” at Michael’s to repair a wall ornament that I’d knocked over at Geri’s. Made a stop at the Dollar store for cumin but finding none, picked up birthday cards and nuts anyway.

Started cleanup of the oldest vegetable bed.

I also washed the bathroom floor yesterday. Had knocked over the mouthwash in the dark the night before. Did a white wash of the towels and we changed out the shower curtain.

Slept for 10 hours last night.

Farmwork, Antebellum, Danforth, Lunch at Capt Scott, Election Results

Picked kale, turnips and carrots at the farm on Tuesday morning.

Rented “Antebellum”.

Yesterday, I did a fine walk with BLT at the Danforth Conservation Area. Went to Captain Scott’s for lunch with Geri and Free, then to Stop & Shop.

The Cape Republican delegation lost two seats, including Will Crocker’s.

Disappointed that Mashpee voted down a 2% property surcharge for water infrastructure investments by only 4 votes.

In Florida, Trump was successful among LatinX voters because of fake fear-mongering that the Democrats want a socialist government and a belief that Biden was more invested in stopping COVID19 than in encouraging business growth.

Trump supporters want the US to remain White and misogynist. When asked why Trump, they will offer two excuses, abortion and their 401(k)s, as “cover” for their racism and sexism.

In a way, Trump has done us all a favor by blasting to smithereens the American myth that success comes from hard work and playing by the rules. It all comes down to luck: being born good-looking and to a favored social and ethnic group.

Andrew Yang’s proposal for a minimum guaranteed income makes the most sense of any policy thrown out in this entire campaign.