Sometimes We Surprise Me; New Faucet

It was supposed to rain all day, but by mid afternoon it was clear enough to do the lawn. I mowed the back and sides, Ron did the front. We were done by 5 or so.

The plumber installed the new kitchen faucet this morning, checked out the sillcocks and took some photos in preparation for installation of a new water heater.

Ron did a shop and I plowed through piles of paperwork on my desk. Filed a claim against Verde Energy online. Changed sheets, did a wash.

Weekend Wrapup

We had lunch with Robert on Saturday, got him a brisket combo plate from his favorite barbecue popup. I made kale soup. Ron had cheese quesadillas.

On Sunday, Ron and I finished weeding the third veg plot in advance of rain predicted for most of this week. It was relatively easy going.

In the morning, I visited the Cahoon and did a shop for dog food and Sunday bagels at the Hyannis Shaw’s. We watched some of the Patriots and Buccaneers before yard work.

Truck, Town Meeting

Picked up a book at the library and grabbed sandwiches and scones from Panera for lunch and snacks. Brought the truck home and did a transfer station run. Had to go back to the shop to retrieve a credit card.

Went to Town Meeting. Contentious debates over “Select Board” and plastic water bottles, both of which were approved, the latter by only two votes. A technicality got in the way of the vote on the solar farm.

Lizzie Trumps

Lizzie has trumped in the house two nights in a row. It’s gotten old and not due to neglect: Ron’s been staying up with her until midnight or later. Ron did laundry. I cleaned up a mess in the second bedroom and hallway.

We did have a good ride with her yesterday to pick up my new laptop at the Staples in Wareham. Ron found a gallon of Krud Kutter at Lowe’s. We came straight home.

Watched the Patriots and made a squash stir fry for supper.

All At Once

A gent from TruHearing visited yesterday at 9 am to give me a hearing test.

I had a job interview in the afternoon with a Cape Cod middle manager who thinks XAML and WPF – launched in 2006 – are new front-end technologies.

He didn’t seem to know what Angular is; only the #2 rated after Vue.js.

An appraiser came out later that afternoon to take photos of the outside of the house for our new homeowners carrier.

Fed Liz sautéed squash, eggs, cheese and chicken franks this morning. She devoured all of it. Ron and I had some, too, minus the franks.

Lizzie Meds; Pats; Indigenous Peoples Day

Gave Lizzie her flea/tick and heartworm meds yesterday.

Started her on the appetite med this morning.

We were amazed that the Patriots pulled off a win yesterday after a dismal first half.

Ron has been dragging these days. We’ve also had a lot of laundry. Lizzie has increased our workload, but we love her so its okay.

The Archives building and One Room Schoolhouse were open for Indigenous Peoples Day. We didn’t wander over.

Ron changed the dryer vent. I dug up a yard or two of milkweed roots. Lizzie kept me company for a while.

Insurance Wrap-Up

I think we are finally done transitioning to new insurance companies. The old agency now has written confirmation that we wish to terminate our policies, and payment plans with the new ones are (I hope) set up correctly.

We brought Lizzie to the vet yesterday for a checkup and she tested positive for Lyme and another tick-borne illness. I was able to get copies of Lizzie’s records from Tiverton and sent them along. It seems there is no cause for alarm.

I just wish we could get her to eat, she is really underweight.

I had a subscription to Amazon music and cancelled it today.

My blood test results are in. Low iron. Started taking a supplement this morning.

Rainy Monday

Pouring when we got up at 6. Lizzie wasn’t pleased to go out, but she stiff upper lipped it: good dog.

We had a full day yesterday. I stopped in briefly at a mushroom walk but it was so crowded (30 people) it didn’t make sense to stay.

Did a transfer station run, brought home ridiculously expensive donuts, something I will never do again, picked up food for Lizzie and ordered more from Amazon.

I did more weeding of the garlic garden, and Ron helped enormously by finishing it up before my back gave out. Lizzie seemed to enjoy keeping us company. Three more veg gardens to go, and I hope to have that done by end of the month. Ron worked on the compost bins.

Salad for supper.