Tough Day For Lizzie

It started out well: Lizzie had her checkup with Dr. Baer and her blood work was good except for one measurement, whi,ch is what we expected.

Ron went to the transfer station and I picked up Robert after work and brought him a brisket lunch.

Unfortunately, Lizzie threw up and had diarrhea while we were gone. Ron cleaned it up, much to his credit.

We gave her ground turkey for supper.

Covid Booster

Very different scene at CVS for the third Covid shot yesterday. Afterwards, picked up meds and sundries at Walmart, had a conversation about a possible new contract and kept my appointment with the counsellor, almost incoherent with tiredness.

Ron took good care of Lizzie throughout the day.

Restored data that had been inadvertently omitted from the vehicle detail page. Good catch by someone at NEPS.

Visit with James; New Doc; Lizzie Goes For a Ride

James was over last night for supper; we had a really nice visit, although the big spread I prepared, intended to be a Buddha bowl, wasn’t really that great.

I ran the dishwasher three times to clean all of the pots, pans, bowls, dishes, flatware, utensils.

James had fun with Lizzie. He’s a self-described “dog person” so enjoyed a break from the “cat” house.

Today Ron drove us to Hyannis with the intention of going to Beltone after my appointment with a new cardiologist.

Unfortunately, he forgot to wear his hearing aids (again). Lizzie seemed to enjoy the ride, though, and I found the cardiologist – and her staff – to be a remarkable change from the usual. What a pleasure!

Ron’s Pension

Gave up waiting for Ron to do it so I called Local 16 and luckily, the pension administrator was available to help us change Ron’s checking account info. After a couple of tries, I was able to fax the paperwork to her.

Made some cosmetic changes to NEPS.

Talked with a Centerville company about a hot water heater that is supposedly energy efficient.

Great news from the Water Department: our November bill is $70 less than last year!

Applied for a job, heard back. Work would be nice now that NEPS is pretty much done.

Tried tackling the last veg garden weeding but there were some major roots that might be from trees. Ron offered to help tomorrow.

Lizzie had some intestinal distress so we fed her chicken and rice today.

Ron brought us cake and cookies from Washashore.


Betsy’s is today, Lizzie’s was yesterday.

Dr. Baer removed a tumor from Lizzie’s neck and gave us a med for her arthritis. I subscribed her to their pet care program. Next October, her annual inoculations and office visit will be pre-paid. We have a follow-on appointment later this month. Ashley was her usual gracious, efficient self.

After telling me that Lizzie needed a harness, Ron was annoyed that I bought one, claiming that he “only wanted to save money”. We had Teddy’s old harness, but it was much too big. Anyway, the staff member at Baer was extremely helpful, custom fitting the harness to Lizzie.

Of course I paid for Lizzie’s pet care subscription, meds, harness and surgery. Ron in the meantime is still chasing down his 107 pension, having failed (once again) to inform of his change of account.

So much for being attentive to money.

We did some more weeding of the last veg garden plot.

Ron drove me home and back to get my truck fixed. Turns out, in doing the smoke test, the tech had to clamp some areas and forgot to remove one. All’s well.

We went to Walmart for iron tablets for me and a prescription for Ron. I did very little yard work today but did get NEPS running on the new computer!

Tonight’s Planning Board meeting, which I was able to view online, started out with a public character assassination of an elected official. Sickening.

Last of the Storm Debris; Halloween

We made the final trip to the transfer station with tree debris.

I continued weeding the last garden.

Tried a gas pump at a different station, had the same problem. Booked an appointment to have the gas tank vent cleared.

Someone helped themselves to about $15 of candy and treats on our front steps – better them than us – but left a handsome brass soccer pendant in return. Nice addition to Ron’s shield.


We did a good first pass at yard cleanup. All in all, not bad. We got in a transfer station run before it started raining. Extremely well organized this year, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that was Ryan’s good doing.

I made a terrible meal last evening, spaghetti and broccolini. Even with oil and garlic, it was bland and dry.

Post-Storm; Lizzie Blew It

Around 1:30 last night, I heard Lizzie pattering around. I stepped into a puddle in the hallway, let her out and later on, at 4:30, into excrement.

In complete disgust, I threw towels down and rolled up her blankets and the rugs. This morning, Ron and I worked on cleanup: washing and hanging up the two blankets (he discovered that we aren’t supposed to dry them so we jerry-rigged an extra clothesline in the basement) and cleaning the rugs with the Little Green.

Ron took her cage out of the shed and we set it up on the deck to see if there was room enough for it in the second bedroom. Lizzie seemed happy to see it. We figured out we have enough to make her comfortable tonight and will give it a try.

I sautéed some veggies and the last package of ramen noodles, which were expired but still good.

Received a decorative arrangement from Joanne and adapted it to hang by the front door. Hope it stays put. It’s not wonderful but I paid very little for it.

The yard is a mess but thank goodness, no major damage, mostly minor blow-downs.

Storm; Flu Shots

Loud booms woke me up at 4:30 this morning. Could be transformers, could be trees. Glad we can stay put today.

Had a good meeting with an attorney yesterday about financial matters.

Cleaned the frig and disconnected the CO alarm before Ron got up.

We got our senior flu shots at the VNA popup at C the K.

Did a shop at Job Lot, short term 40% “off” in the way of a gift certificate.

Booked COVID boosters for both of us. Appointment times are already filling up.

Chewy customer support was great, they issued a credit for our last Rx purchase because I’d forgotten to use a discount code and had been beating myself up over it. They also said they’d issue a $20 new Rx customer gift certificate at our next order.