I’m A Karen Too

I had a breakdown a while back at a lumber yard, and can empathize with certain Karen behaviors as a result.

It’s entertaining to watch people acting out in public, and easy to place blame: in some cases justified, but I’m not so sure about all Karen lashing outs.

You can lose it when you’re so tired that it feels like you’re walking under water, or you’ve been battered one too many times by rudeness or ridicule in public.

I don’t envy anyone in retail or in any job involving face-to-face contact with human beings.

Must Gear Up

Monday was a good day, lunch and conversation with James, who is great company and a first rate raconteur.

Had a pre-op visit with Dr. D’Achille yesterday.

I changed the Home Serve Club contract from five years to three, thus cutting the cost almost in half. Should receive a refund by the end of the month.

Ordered flowers for Betsy and David’s 60th anniversary today.

I lost it last night, tired and out of control with Ron. His so-called deafness is driving me out of my mind.

Expecting fireplace person this morning. Would like a small gas unit in the living room but not expecting that it’ll be affordable.

We’re planning to see Bennett today! They are coming over to stay with Lizzie while we go to Savers for jeans. Might try to stop at BJ’s and/or Stop & Shop in Plymouth. Hate to miss the opportunity to shop off Cape, but it might be too much for one trip.


We had 3 or so inches of fluffy snow on Monday. We both worked on removal.

Lizzie had multiple trump accidents in the house. We did a couple of loads of laundry and changed the sheets.

I put together a meatloaf and topping for apple crisp in preparation for lunch with James today.

Good Blood

Good blood test results from yesterday.

Ron and I did a transfer station run yesterday.

I did the bagel-plus run to Shaw’s this morning and made peanut chocolate clusters for this afternoon’s political meeting.

Spoke with two arborists, one from Mashpee, about removing a big branch from the tree on the right side of the driveway.

Did an estimate of our taxes and decided to hold off on filing them.

Van, Traffic, King Richard

I wanted to see Will Smith’s Oscar-nominated performance in “King Richard” and the closest Red Box happened to be at Market Basket.

That would have worked out well. Ron got the word that GMC had fixed his van, so it was easy to combine dropping him off and picking up the film before doing a shop.

Unfortunately the van died within a mile or so of GMC. I’d decided to take 130 home so chose to take Route 6 back to Bourne.

Very, very bad choice.

I was stuck in traffic for over half an hour. The idiots who decide these things caused a major traffic jam.

Miraculously, I didn’t lose my temper or get upset. Still can’t figure out why.

After we got home, Lizzie decided to take a Trump in the house. My poor sneakers were the recipients of her questionable largesse.

We did enjoy the film, though. A pleasure to see this story.


Robert texted last night that he’s moving to a Pittsburg suburb today.

He’ll be doing remote tech support for a Hyannis-based company.

Good for him to get some independence, he’s certainly old enough.

I will miss him.

Ron was in a Lizzie tizzy last night because Miss Dog had diarrhea. We went out a couple of times and she seemed fine.

Saved a bundle on gas: $9.55!

Outdoor Time

Got in an hour or so today loading the truck for the transfer station, pruning dead branches from the big storm and piling them up for the next run and walking in the field with Lizzie. Always fun to see her trot back to the yard; she knows her house.

Gorgeous day, cold and a little windy but sunny with a good mid-winter light.

Ron picked up the box of barrel liners I’d ordered from Aubuchon in Cotuit and is dropping off recyclables and trash at the transfer station, then on to the redemption center. Hope there’s enough gas, I didn’t fill it up this week after two trips to Hyannis.

The lined jeans I bought by mistake from Goodwill seem to have found a home here anyway. Ron likes his, they look great on him, and I’m wearing mine. As they say, it’s not bad weather with the right clothes.

Rain, CD

It is raining as predicted. 50 degrees outside.

The Herbie Hancock CD “Possibilities” arrived yesterday. I wrapped it for Ron as a very late Christmas present. I believe it joins “Night Fly” in the “trapped on a desert island” collection.

Done For Now

The good people at LINE-X adjusted the tonneau cover for me.

I picked up two pair of jeans at Goodwill but didn’t realize until I got them home that they are lined. Too warm for most of the year but great for working outside in winter and in this office, though.

I stopped at BJ’s for a few things: ice cream, cheese, crackers, Oxy, cinnamon rolls. They have FRITOS! Picked up four packages of gizzards for Lizzie at Stop & Shop. Decided to cook them all and freeze them in small packages rather than freeze, defrost and cook individually. Should save time.

Lizzie and I shoveled the front walk and stairs.

I picked up peanut butter and batteries at Roche.

Snow is gone from the solar panels.

Tonneau Cover, Finally BJ’s, Rondromat

I bought a discounted membership to BJ’s online and after getting the replacement tonneau cover installed at LINE-X, swung by the store to pick up a membership card and get food for Lizzie.

Loaded up on salad mixes and frozen vegetables and veg “meatballs” as well as Blue Buffalo cans.

Back in Mashpee, picked up a big bag of peanut butter-flavored treats at Baer’s.

Appliance Guy was here before 9 and fixed the washing machine. Ron literally spent the day plowing through laundry, including sheets and whites.