Too Many, Too Much

Recently I’ve had more than my poor brain can deal with: too many decisions, too much information.

Sweet Lizzie was shaking a few minutes ago so I covered her with a lap robe, which she doesn’t seem to mind. I chose to bring her to a new groomer who shaved her more than we wanted. Was this the right outcome?

We’ve been keeping up with the events overseas and domestic politics. We can’t do a thing to stop this war. It’s up to the Russians themselves to dethrone Herr Putin, and it’s up to the Red States to dethrone Trump and his minions in Congress and state governments.

I can feed Lizzy but can’t force her to eat.

I can try to get my money back from the PayPal scammer but how likely is that to happen?

Yesterday the Seagate failed. Which file repair software to buy and install? There was a lot on the drive that I don’t need, but I was able to retrieve a number of files that I want to keep.

Decision about the truck: fight with the old repair shop about work errors made a year ago or pay another shop to fix it.

I see the surgeon tomorrow but the drain incision has been sore and oozing. Do I remove the drain myself or wait?

Do I have peanut butter with breakfast or with lunch?

I dreamt last night of losing track of the tall adopto-raptor in a crowd and feeling no regret at all.

Then the Ron surrogate, a dashing young blade, announced “I have plans: for all five of us” and ran off with three girls. The dream ended before I could get up to follow. I felt no regret at that, either.

In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

Am I J. Alfred Prufrock?


I’ve spent most of the last two days asleep or resting. Last evening we binged on “Seaside Hotel”.

Lizzie woke me up at 4:30 this morning. She wasn’t hungry and didn’t need to go outside; seems she just wanted company.

Good Ron emptied the dishwasher and made coffee last night.

The Seagate failed and I’m looking for the least expensive recovery software.

The drain port has been troublesome, but I’m expecting to be done with it at my next visit.

I had a yen for blueberry coffee cake, but had no motivation to bathe or dress. So, I made cranberry bread instead.

Furless Lizzie

Lizzie’s groomer removed her fuzz yesterday; not what we wanted. She was there for four hours. Ron weighed her at Caring Hearts afterwards: 38 pounds. In spite of two meals a day, she’s hardly gained at all.

I found a bag of her homemade food in the freezer, a nice treat after her long day.

Mighty Ron

He dropped me off at Falmouth Motorcar to retrieve my truck – $400 to correct mistakes made by another shop last March. No permanent damage, fortunately.

He loaded up the truck and did a transfer station run.

He also cooked ravioli for supper.

Finally, he took care of barking and wandering Lizzie last night.

I hired a consultant to work on NEPS and billed the MRS for work done since January.

Today Ron did a meticulous vacuuming of the kitchen floor.

Three Squares

I went to bed early last night and didn’t get up until 5:30 or so this morning.

Ron did laundry and we changed the sheets. Liz and I went for a little walk in the field.

I cooked three meals yesterday: eggs and cheese for breakfast; stir fry from a package for lunch; veg balls and store-bought mashed with homemade gravy and salad for supper. Ron as usual did cleanup and made coffee.

I made poor Ron do a round trip to and from Falmouth Motor yesterday morning so I could drop off my truck, which has been running loud for a while. Turns out, some exhaust parts were improperly installed. They hope to have it finished today.

Paypal’d James’s birthday money yesterday. I’ve been keeping up with the household bills.

We had a conversation with a chatty but extremely pleasant gentleman at Medicare about a rejected claim for lab work for Ron. Hoping he gets this squared away with his doctor’s office.

Found and fixed a vexing problem with MRS. Turned out to be SQL.

Posted Craigslist ad for help with NEPS. Received several responses, some look promising. I hope.

Vegetarian Supper Club; Checkup

We had a fine four-course dinner last evening at a local church hall. The menu was all-veg, all delicious and the servings were generous.

I had a good checkup today.

Lizzie was restless last night. Ron was able to quiet her down. She was up again early this morning. Maybe stomach trouble, not sure, but she did have multiple Trumps today.

Had a pleasant chat with Kathy C., our “spiritual” neighbor, in the Stop & Shop parking lot. I’d just come out of the packie with a bottle of Orvietto.

Did a 0.6 mile walk yesterday before dinner with Ron and Lizzie. Renewed with AAA.

Ordered meds from Walmart online for Lizzy this morning. We’ll see how well this works (fingers crossed).

Helped Ron with a medical claims issue.

We walked around the block with Lizzie. Gorgeous day.

Birthday 2022

It was a nice day. It rained so no yardwork and I did no indoor work, either.

Robert called; Bennett and Peter texted, as did the friends. Birthday greetings from several on FB as well. I unwrapped the new dutch oven.

It took a while for Ron to get in gear. He did pick up beer and cheesecake at my request, and I showered while he was out.

I got in touch with my colleague in India about NEPS.

Helped Ron with his bank account. I checked and recorded about a month’s worth of transactions and got his ledger to balance with the bank. Discovered that he owes me over $500 in FSA reimbursements.

Made baked cardamom donuts this morning. Recipe produced a very respectable cake donut, and no one missed the grease.

A 1 anda 2 anda 5 am

Lizzie barked at several points early this morning. She had trumped the first time and she devoured her food the last.

Ron was up with her 3 or 4 times. I was up with her twice. I ground up food for her and incredibly, Ron slept through the noise.

Since I was awake at 5, I decided to pay bills, which involves (stupidly because I’ve been doing it for years) confirmation phone calls. Again, mercifully, Ron slept through the ringing.

Finally, I texted Cindy and Cathy, which was great, got some good news, but again more noise that Ron was able to sleep through.

Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with the right wingers in Congress about fighter planes to Ukraine.

As the father of a veteran, Biden’s Uber caution is maybe a reason to exclude the children of the powerful from militarily service.

Not really, just a random thought.

I’m making a mild soup from mushrooms, lettuce (yes), celery and shallots. Staying away from tomatoes for now. I hope it’ll look Norse. I’ve had a yen for things Danish since watching “Seaside Inn”: wildflowers, teal and cream decor, delicate floral linens and china patterns.

At this point, I am ready to drop. Ron has kindly volunteered to pick up the few grocery items we could use for the weekend.

Slow Browsing

It seems like sites have been crawling these days. Not sure if it’s the new modem or the upgraded PC, both of which are working just fine otherwise.

Got a chatty birthday card from Cara.

I decided for fun to plot the drain production from my surgery in Excel. It works as a pretty decent polynomial.

Emailed a letter to the Enterprise about the latest imbecile character assassinations presented at the last Planning Board meeting. Hope I was early enough for tomorrow’s paper.

Still having issues with MRS and DotDigital. Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong in NEPS.

Ron had a good checkup with his Primary.

Lizzie is scheduled for grooming next Thursday.

Lizzie Was Hungry

Lizzie woke us up around 3:15 am. She had terrible gas but didn’t seem to need to go outside.

Me, then Ron, then me. Turns out she was hungry. Around 4:15 I got up for the last time and fed her after pushing the button on the coffee maker.

I’d left a couple of big cookware items last night for poor Ron, who was pretty worn out from yesterday’s van turmoil. Cleaned them up this morning while Lizzie slept in the middle of the kitchen floor, making transport of heavy items like the Le Creuset an awkward undertaking.

While Ron was getting caught up on sleep, I cooked rice and vegetables. Later, I prepped a couple of days worth of food for Lizzie and cleaned up the kitchen. Cleaned myself up while Ron kept a routine appointment with his primary. Great to have the new binder.

It’s been snowing. Lizzie was brave, has gone out in it without complaint.

I’ve been working on MRS off and on this week.