Ron’s Birthday, TGIF

We mowed the lawn yesterday. I did the front, Ron did the back and sides.

Tomorrow is town election day. So glad. I was out with Carol and company this morning. Long chat with John.

Got back in time to meet the irrigation crew and go over some tweaks. They were great, as always.

Lizzie woke Ron up at 9, so he did get to sleep in a little. He didn’t want anything special for his birthday. I picked up strawberries and melting chocolate. Had those for dessert after supper of salad and grilled burgers.

Checked out the young trees for bugs. Seem okay for now.

Was hurting all day. Legs mostly. Took ibuprofen and slept for a bit after supper.

Rain started this evening and is expected to continue through tomorrow. Nice for the new planting and transplanting!

Planting, Adjuster, Missed Town Meeting

I was scheduled to watch “The Girls Who Went Away” at the same time that Town Meeting started last night.

I was pretty tired, having finished planting the lilac and transplanting five other dearies, including the white Phlox and several daylilies. I also dug up a pile of weeds.

Ron wanted to join a standout but forgot that Town Meeting is at the HS, so he waited in vain at Town Hall.

As a result, we ended up not going and watched it on TV. Just as well, our votes wouldn’t have made a difference, and a couple of articles that I cared about were indefinitely postponed. Too bad we missed an opportunity to demo for our candidates. Oh, well, there will be plenty of standouts this week and on election day.

Last night, Ron stepped in a Lizzie Trump, and I did the same this morning. Oh, joy.

The insurance company desk adjuster and I caught up by phone this morning. I’ve been so absent-minded, I forgot to call him yesterday.

Rained last night; good timing for the planting.

Waiting for a Part

We heard thMade at the part needed to get our furnace running should be in this week.

Meanwhile, the HVAC company lent us a couple of space heaters.

Ron fretted when I went to pick them up, figuring they wouldn’t fit in the truck, but they are tiny things, about half the size of a boom box.

I bought a small, fragrant lilac and have been fighting with myself to finish planting it.

Fried eggs for Lizzie and me this morning, and that’s about all the cooking I’ve done for days.

Have been trying to sort out claims of responsibility for saving a couple of acres of conservation land from sewage treatment substation use.

Looking Up (I Hope)

A representative of an HVAC company from Falmouth was over this morning. HIs company doesn’t service Goodman units, but he agrees that its a good idea to replace the bad part rather than the entire furnace.

This is because the A/C unit is installed right above the furnace, so changing the dimensions would mean a new installation of the A/C.

Barrett Plumbing sent two technicians to check out the furnace. They got the thermostat working and agree that the burned out exchanger caused the unit to stop.

This would also explain the gas smell I’ve been wondering about recently.

They will order the part under warranty and come back next week to install it.

I updated our Home Service Club claim records.

Meanwhile, Ron made a salad and we had it with pizza for lunch.

I changed the Canon ink cartridges.

NEST Failed, Standout, I Did Something Stupid, New Pillows, Pancakes and Stir Fry

The NEST thermometer failed around 8 am on Friday. I filed a claim with Home Service Club at 2. We are still waiting for an appointment with a service person.

Fortunately, the outside temps have been reasonable for mid Spring.

I listened for a good part of yesterday to the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts’ annual convention. Talk about practical and low key! I especially wanted to hear the speakers. Well worth the $30.

I also participated in a standout for Karen Faulkner and dug up some weeds along the driveway.

While parking for the standout, I hit the passenger side mirror on the transfer station fence. It still seems to work.

Made pancakes in the morning and rice and stir fry for supper.

I’d hurt my leg walking down the cellar stairs last Tuesday. It’s still not 100% but much better. I missed attending the Planning Board meeting but watched it from home.

We went to a campaign event for Karen last Thursday at Dino’s. Nice crowd. Chad Smith and I had a long chat. We’ve exchanged a couple of follow on text messages.

Later in the week, an invite to interview for a programming job was withdrawn, the claim being that internal candidates were interested. OkeeDokee.

Got to meet Baby Will!

Ron came back from a shopping trip with three GORGEOUS pillows for the living room!

We’ve done nothing today but go over finances and take Lizzie outside.

Uploaded a new version of MRS. Registrations are coming in, so guess it hasn’t held anyone up. Hope it gives me a clue about errors in DotDigital ID returns.

Enjoyed a terrific Hyannis Country Garden vegetable gardening ZOOM by C.L. Fornari this evening.

South Cape Links

Draft Environmental Impact Statement & Draft Management Plan

Callie’s Beach

Ron drove the Tacoma to Callie’s Beach yesterday.

We drove to Seconsett afterwards via Metoxit and Meadow Neck Roads. This was to satisfy Ron’s curiosity about how we navigated to a house concert years ago.

Ron had done laundry earlier in the day, and we hung it outside. Brought it in around 3:30.

Yesterday was gorgeous, last night was wild, with winds up to 37 mph. Incredibly, we kept power and internet.

Mashpee Voter Participation

For Mashpee’s 2021 town-level elections, total eligible voters by precinct numbered 12,072—with only 1,709 community members showing up to the polls, about 14%.

The May 2021 annual Town Meeting, said Town Clerk Deborah (Dami) Kaye, “was even more dismal” with about 464 people present to approve a $62 million budget.

Easter; Bittercress

I did more Bittercress weeding, especially in the “tea garden” area. Also pruned the Autumn Clematis.

Lizzie has been in and out all morning, supervising.

Good day yesterday. Did a brief standout for Karen in the morning, got to catch up with Mary. Ron and I picked up produce at the farm stand; good thing, it’s closed today. Before that, we stopped at Windfall to look for Nobska Farms pepper spice, but sadly, it seems they are no longer in business.

The farm is gone for sure. We drove to Nobska Road and there’s a house under renovation at the corner. Sad to see a local institution has disappeared.

On the way home, we bought a pizza at Speedway. I must have been beat, put it in the oven without removing the cardboard. It was still pretty good. Made a green salad to go with it.

We watched the end of Season 1 of Ragnarok.