Dreading Sunday

We looked at each other yesterday and said, “Enough”.

Ron found a packing company online, “Big League Relocators”. They only take Venmo but it was impossible to set up.

The Venmo rep insisted the setup be done on Ron’s mobile phone, and Ron’s phone is too old, won’t load the OS required for the app. We endured almost two hours of BS from the packing company and Venmo, including a refusal to speak with me even though Ron gave permission. Had to hold up the phone to him while he was in the bathroom. Unbelievably shitty customer “service”.

Peter and Bennett dropped by later and said we were lucky that Venmo punked, the packing company was very likely a scam.

I found a local firm who’ll be back today after doing a walk-through yesterday. Fingers crossed.

Barbara came by for keys.

Forgot to Close/Open Accounts

Lost track of the National Grid accounts and I fear their business offices are not open tomorrow (Black Friday).

Not worried about the gas but it’ll be tough if we are without electricity at Henderson.

Have been trying to use Mass Electric’s web portal but it refuses to let me create a new account or identify myself as a current customer.

Funny Thanksgiving message from Cindy.

The perfect Word Wealth word: Ron superciliously announced that the contents of a rumpled paper bag are “very important; they are from California.”

Of course they are.

So far, I’ve packed 30+ boxes, organized four book loads for donation to the Falmouth library, and 1,600 pounds of donations, resale and disposable items.

While we were both downstairs, Lizzie trumped all over the kitchen floor and rugs.

Yep, Exhausted

Thought I slept reasonably well last night in two sessions, but I’m knackered today.

Forgot to give the clean-out guys two boxes of recyclables yesterday so after two other tries, was able to drop them off to the Falmouth Service Center resale shop this afternoon.

Was about half an hour later than their drop-off time, but a kind, generous, decent soul took the two boxes anyway. God bless, sir.

I had to sneak the boxes out of the house. Ron is refusing to get rid of anything.

I thought the movers told me they won’t take the mattresses and have come up empty on what to do.

Fortunately, I was wrong.

Early this morning, I packed more boxes of Ron’s LPs and CDs.

Picked up more free boxes from the movers.

Spoke with Gail today to make plans for Monday. Promised to pack everything that can be fit in boxes between now and then.

Have packed 30 boxes so far.

No one, including me, sent the Williamstown attorney the final agreement, so I emailed it to her today.

After today, only four more days to pack.

At least I got my health, hospital indemnity and dental insurance squared away.

Meanwhile, Ron is working on cleaning up the lawn and did exactly the opposite of what I asked.

Some “Stuff” Is Gone

Workers were here for about 2 1/2 hours yesterday to clear mostly useable goods that we didn’t want to take with us.

This included building materials from the attic and the shed and furniture we’d been storing for Peter and Bonnie.

It cost a small fortune, but at least it won’t go into a landfill.

Davisville Road

I think I will miss Davisville Road more than any other street in this area, not only because of its canopy of hardwoods and elegant homes, but because it includes Robert’s old workplace.

From time to time, I looked forward to picking Robert up from work because it gave us time for a brief visit.

It’s almost impossible to compare how I felt about Nonna with how our grands relate to us. They are distant at best, and in James’ case, hostile.

I looked forward to visits with Nonna, loved her apartment and Italian immigrant neighborhood.

Once following an especially bad arms-crossed falling out in Milton, I fled to Nonna’s apartment with baby Peter via public transportation. She was a safe haven for me, and I regret that our grands don’t feel the same way.

Sorting, Tossing, New Car!

Yesterday morning, dropped off four boxes of books to the Falmouth Library for their book sale.

Lizzie had a good night, slept through. Last night she was good leak- and trump-wise, but she woke us up around 1-1:30 am.

I finished emptying and clearing off the buffet in the “shop”. Ron started to go through his personal items in the basement. We worked until it was time to go to Hyannis Toyota.

Ron has his car and loves it! It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles but he reports that it drives beautifully: a box that runs, and that’s a huge improvement in his life.

Buyers Got Their Mortgage Commitment

We’re “committed” now as well.

I’ve been packing off and on but seem to get interrupted.

A tech from SafeLite replaced the windshield and commented on the amount of pitting, which was making it impossible to see.

Cancelled XFinity today. Spoke with the local cable company in Williamstown as well, agreed to give their streaming service a free one-week trial.

Restricted Covenant

The lawyers found a restricted covenant on our lot that was originally issued by the Planning Board to be released in 1989 but was never recorded.

Their solution was to ask the Town Planner for a letter stating that the covenant will be released at the next Planning Board meeting in December.

I’m not thrilled that this came up so late in the process.

Ron missed two doctor appointments yesterday. He forgot one until the last minute and got stuck in traffic for the second.

Meanwhile, once again, he did no packing.

Lizzie woke me up again around 4:15 am this morning.

Lizzie, Night Watchdog

Lizzie woke me up this morning around 4:15. Ron thinks the boxes and general disruption are upsetting her. Actually, I think it’s upsetting him.

Had long conversations yesterday with HyToy and a USE loan officer about Ron’s auto deal. His credit union offers better terms and he can at least get rid of one or more warranties but not the purchase of the car itself.

He likes the car and wants to pay off Toyota with a loan from the credit union, but the explanation was pretty twisted. Supposedly he has to wait about 4 months.

Guess we’ll have to contact Toyota Motor Credit Corp for instructions. His salesman did send me a link to cancel the warranties, which is helpful.

Meanwhile, I’m having an awful time getting through to GEICO to add the Corolla to our policy.

Bought more CBD mini bones for Lizzie and some gummies and Pinot Grigio for me.

Ron made a really good mac and cheese for supper.