
Ron has finished the doors!

I blue-taped the baseboard, vacuumed and mopped and am waiting for him to leave the room so that I can paint the floor.

He kindly offered to paint the little pine chest I’ve had for years.  I thought with the right doodads it would make a nice “beach” piece.

Uploaded Roving to Jim’s server this morning, barely in time for his managers meeting.

A bright green hummer visited the hibiscus while I was having lunch.

Painting, CSA, Cooking

Ron continued to work on doors.  I figured out how to get the caps off the small closet door pins.  We had to grease the pins to get them out.  An Allen wrench worked quite well for that.

Made a big lunch today with some of yesterday’s produce: spiralized the big white zucchini and sauteed it with onion, our garlic and kale.  Made a salad with romaine, tomato and cuke.

I picked up our share and washed multiple heads of lettuce, carrots and potatoes.  Huge harvest this week: cukes, zukes, summer squash, potatoes, carrots, basil, green beans.  Lots of free stuff.  No beets, though.

Got more trim paint at Aubuchon, they had a 15% off coupon for today only.

Yesterday, we ordered an electric toothbrush for Ron, Amazon Prime special.


Ron is working on doors today.  He finished the walls yesterday.

I brought home groceries from the Service Center: bagels, canned and fresh tomatoes, black beans, corn, romaine, onions, zuke, eggs, shredded cheddar, peanut butter, canned pineapple, shelf milk, brown rice, wheat rotini.

We did the usual yesterday: laundry, changed sheets, transfer station.

Hulu has been having trouble with Roku TVs.  Subtitles only show in Spanish.  Their tech support was working last night (Sunday) and filled us in.  Impressed.

Been polishing up Roving.

Hot, humid and horrible today.  There should be a law prohibiting any outdoor work on days like this.  A woman at the bank told me a friend of hers who works outside was brought to the ER with heat exhaustion during the last miserable spell.

Cliché Wars

For those who are sick of politics because they feel attacked for supporting Trump: his message should be resonating with a lot more people, but his personal style is antagonistic and bombastic, which turns many off.

Supporting Trump also gets tangled with excusing bad cops and advocating for military/industrial complex waste, and I daresay no one wants either.

I’m a registered Republican and like a lot of Trump’s ideas but think he comes across as amateurish, entitled and conceited: common for men his/my age (72).

Trump supporters have done a lousy job of explaining why they like him, claiming that he’s responsible for events beyond the control of a single individual, like unemployment or GNP statistics.

I get frustrated with Rush Limbaugh and other right-leaning personalities: his screeds are emotional and too often not based on fact. He, Anne Coulter, Laura Ingraham: bright, informed people who haven’t made the case for why their brand of conservatism is good for the people they claim to represent.

For example, I don’t see that tariffs are helping American farmers, even the wealthy agribusiness owners.

Trump is right to challenge “progressive” clichéd reactions to any and all conservative opinions, but name-calling and character assassination isn’t effective, for anyone.


Pruned a huge amount of dead wood from the hydrangea in the front.

Watered and fed the roses, geraniums and hydrangea “circle”.

I found and Ron put a new stake on a cool yard ornament that had been gathering dust in the basement; it’s now in the corner garden.


Friday the 13th

Planted the marigolds (19).

Ron painted over the repaired, primed areas.

I took off the basement window plastic caps and weeded, and Ron opened the windows, probably for the first time in at least 5 years.

Robert got a raise and was encouraged to complete his certification!

Picked up a COCONUT ♡’s TURMERIC hot bowl from the Organic Market: roasted cauliflower, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, sautéed spinach in a coconut turmeric curry sauce over wild rice.  Made a fine supper with veg burgers.


Insight; Paint

Insight came by for quarterly spraying.  Nice kid, student at Nevada State.

Ron finished priming.

I worked on Roving and did some sleuthing for Jim on an issue with a vendor.

Bought 3 six packs of marigolds yesterday at Soares’ one day 60% off sale.

Bought paint and rollers for tomorrow.

Rose Tone; Tomatoes!

Fed, watered and Dead Bugged the roses.

Ron had his teeth cleaned and got a good report from the dentist.  Considering his dental history, that is epic.

He dropped off his van at Professional Auto early this morning.  I took a drive to the counter place, talked with the owner who said I could forage, but there was nothing we could really use for pavers.

Ron didn’t know how to read his WF statement, panicked and overpaid them $300.  They promised a refund in 7-10 days.  His promotional balance isn’t due until February 2019.

I seem to be hungry all the time these days.

Ron finished priming the new room yesterday.  He wants to do the walls and repaint the trim himself.  He bought a couple of good brushes at Aubuchon the other day with a $10 coupon we got last week.

I did the CSA run yesterday and made killer sauce last night.  Dropped off produce for Edgewater.  Brought home softserve from Charlie’s Cupcakes.

Have been enjoying The Looming Tower on Hulu.

First tomatoes!


Ron’s Eye Exam

Ron has two tears in his left eye that need to be lasered.  Aside from that, he had a good checkup with Dr. K.

Dropped off Mates for Robert and James.

The cobbler fixed Ron’s blue work shirt but said he couldn’t do much with Em’s boot.  I suggested they return them.

Dropped off soup for P&B.