Mulch, Acorns, Chard; Livy!

I was able to spread 5 bags of mulch today, and it really looks nice.

Swept the driveway and pulled acorns out of the garden.

Found a seed packet of chard and planted all of it.

Had received a 23andme email 3 days ago about new DNA relatives.

Wasn’t too excited, since most of these are multiple times removed.  But not this time: Livy did the test, and it shows that we are, indeed, half-siblings!

Emailed Gail, who called right away to talk about the good news.  Her house is under agreement, and she’s recovering well from surgery.

Bad Cop

The Mashpee police officer should have broken off the car chase that ended in three people dead, including a Marine who had just left his wife and newborn daughter at the hospital, police Chief Scott W. Carline said yesterday.

“The risk clearly outweighed the need to pursue the suspect,” the department’s investigators wrote in a report about the July 28 crash on Route 28 in Barnstable’s Cotuit area.

The 36-page release from Mashpee police includes the full transcript of the internal investigators’ interviews with the officers involved, the police report and a statement from police.

No one from the department who could speak about the report could be reached for comment yesterday.

Police repeatedly refused to answer questions in the days after the crash, acknowledging only several days later that an internal investigation was underway.

The report by Capt. Thomas Rose and Lt. Oliver Naas found (Matthew) Cascio violated department policy by continuing the chase, which reached speeds of about 100 mph in areas that had speed limits of at most half of that.

Ron’s Discontent; MassJam

Ron has been quietly complaining since he got here about things he missed from the Bay Area, everything from “cheap” Mexican food to access to a gym to a workshop for his tools.

I’ve sought out numerous ways to fill in these gaps: the Woods Hole Folk Music Society, for example, provided a way for him to exercise his stagehand chops until he got bored with it.

Last month, Ron joined a pilot men’s fitness group led by the VNA and signed up for swimming twice a week at a local timeshare resort.  These seem to have filled the gym/exercise void.  For now.

I found a way to pay for the new room – which, fair to say, I’ve been enjoying immensely – to properly store his substantial music collection.  On impulse, I also paid for rough shelves to line a designated shop area.

He’s taken little interest in either, which now that I’ve gotten to know him better, isn’t a surprise.

Unless under some influence or other, Ron is unhappy.  He lives in his own world most of the time.

The Western Mass. Boy Scouts’ MassJam, which has been here since Friday afternoon, is breaking up this morning.  I have the same tightness of breath as when the Fair closes: opportunities lost, experiences missed; people not met; good deeds not done?

I wonder if this has been a good or a bad weekend for most of the Scouts.  Some were at Stop & Shop on Saturday, raising money for “Scouts and the troops”.  They couldn’t explain which troops, which raised my hackles a bit, not at the kids, but at adults who’d use children in this way.  Ron agreed, which confirmed that I wasn’t off base.  I gave  them $5 and hope it helps the kids and not, “the troops”, which we already support without being asked.

After Saturday’s day trip down Cape, we didn’t do much yesterday aside from the usual transfer station run and laundry.  I did make a run to Sandwich for more mulch but had forgotten about their “Porch Fest”, so missed that.

Living Large

We enjoyed the reasonably priced Mexican place in East Falmouth yesterday afternoon and JoMama’s today in Chatham.

Planted garlic yesterday.  Took almost the entire raised bed garden!  Finished distributing the mulch.

Shopped at the CapeAbilities store in Chatham (almost everything was discounted at least 25%) and their farm in Dennis.

Peter had a bad night and was up before 4 am to drive Em this morning, so we brought him a Shephard’s pie and argula from the CapeAbilities Chatham store so he wouldn’t have to cook, or shop for that matter.

Great day for a ride.

I did some weeding this morning and a little watering this afternoon.

The monitor and headphones that have been gathering dust in the second bedroom work great with the Dell!


I thought Ron said something that sounded like this at breakfast, but he says not.

Great word, though.  I say it means a frugal, careful person.  Or Venus.  Or a foot.

I’ve been cleaning up my iCloud and Google photos.

Made lasagna.  Picked up garlic for planting.  Dropped off several weeks worth of New Yorkers to Peter at iCape and a 10 gallon bag full of plastic bags at Stop & Shop.

Ron skipped swimming but went to his fitness group and enjoyed it.

Tulips; Lunch With Em

Planted 40 tulip bulbs in the driveway garden and finished spreading mulch there as well.  Put down most of the 3rd and 4th bags on the corner garden; left some for filling in missed spots.

Ron’s left leg was giving him problems this morning. He thinks he overdid it at his fitness group two days ago.

Made a Florentine quiche for Em’s visit and cleaned up the kitchen a bit.

I will miss her and our chats to and from work and YAG.


More Transplanting

Dug out the last stella d’oro by the deck and put the second ninebark in its place.

Broke up yesterday’s two stellas into three locations: corner garden, driveway garden and next to the front steps to the deck.

Transplanted the third one in the corner next to the bulkhead.

Hurt last night: left hand and legs/ankles.

Ron enjoyed swimming and sauna today!

Mulched the back and the front; hope to do the driveway gardens tomorrow.

Veg burgers and fries for dinner.

Planting; Mulch; Job Lot

Dug out the stellas on either side of the back steps and got one of the Ninebarks planted.

Picked up 6 3-cubic foot bags of really nice pine bark mulch at Scenic Roots.

Ron enjoyed his fitness class.

I mowed the lawn.

We had tea and sat on the deck until it rained.

We did a shop at Job Lot.  Got planters for the stellas, candy, cookies, ginger, caraway seeds, crackers, olives, pistachios, peanuts, juice and tulip bulbs.

I deleted about a Gig’s worth of photos from iCloud.

Oktoberfest; Yarmouth

After visiting the bank and walking through Oktoberfest at the town green, we picked up the replacement for the washing machine o-ring in Yarmouth yesterday.

I helped out at the MRTC booth for a couple of hours afterwards with Phyllis, Elana and a terrific woman from the Tedeschi campaign.  She and I helped load Phyllis’ car: very efficient.

It was a gorgeous fall day and a friendly crowd.  As always, Phyllis’ salesmanship was outstanding.

I made a big stir fry for supper: white beans, broccoli, greens, carrots, onions, garlic, celery.

Ron put the agitator back together and did laundry.

This morning, we flipped his mattress to the “plush” side.  Did the transfer station run, made plans to get together with Em, changed the sheets, did a white wash.

I sprayed the ninebarks and the hibiscus and with Ron’s help, planted the three mums.



Rain; Planting; Blood Donation; SCOTUS Hearing

The Kavanaugh hearing feels like a breaking point, certainly for friendships and maybe for political alliances as well.

Been raining for a couple of hours.  May continue for most of the afternoon.  I did plant four little guys from yesterday, two Nepeta for Smokey, a Stella d’oro and a Siskiyou.

Hooked up a nice DVD/CD player to the receiver and am listening to Grappelli and Ma.

Both of us donated blood at the Barnstable Senior Center.  The Home Depot garden center was closed.  We did a small shop at Whole Foods.  It was around 5 by the time we got back.