Jaffrey and Rindge: Sentimental Journey

Betsy and David treated us to an evening of fine open mic performances at the Rindge Meeting House this past Friday.

Earlier, Betsy, Ron and I took a walk to the United Church of Jaffrey grounds and then visited the Monadnock Inn, where we met the new innkeeper and the chef, who is a friend of Betsy’s.

On Saturday, we looked for ancestral gravesites at the Meeting House Cemetery in Rindge.

I found the grave of Isaac Wood, Ron’s Minuteman ancestor.  It’s also listed in “Find A Grave”, which is good because the photos there are a lot better than mine!

It was cold and windy, so we didn’t stay long.  We returned to Jaffrey to say goodbye to the Trimbles and made a stop at the state liquor store for a couple more bottles of a nice white that we’d bought the day before for a hostess gift along with Bailey’s for Cathy and Cindy.

After a bit of floundering (my shotgun mojo was not working), we found the parking lot where we were to meet James.

By luck, we stumbled on The Chatta Box, a surprisingly good Asian restaurant in a nearby strip mall, for dinner.

We enjoyed a fine meal and a lively conversation with James about his academic studies and why he’s pleased with Bridgewater.

Heard from Em, she had a good interview for a receptionist job, and was invited for a second on Tuesday!

Today we did most of the usual: NY Times, transfer station, laundry.

Odds and Ends

More genealogy research on Ron’s family, including the DAR records for his Minuteman ancestor Isaac Wood.

Have restored almost all of the missing WordPress image files.

Confirmed our medical/prescription plans with Cal.

Finally returned the dystopian speculative fiction collection, Harlan Ellison’s first.

Attended the pro-Mueller MoveOn standout in Falmouth.

Did some filing; paid a bill; emailed vonHaam’s office about bloodwork; bumped up our AAA membership for no charge through March 15.

Did two loads of laundry and some grocery shopping.  Got some very good deals!


Stood out for two hours from 9 to 11 for John Flores.  He was there for a good hour, and graciously chatted with me the whole time.  Agreed with him on every issue I could think of.  A loss for us.

I was going to go back for “No on 1”, which passed overwhelmingly, so glad I didn’t.  It was raining and I was already cold from the morning.

Ron made supper, asparagus omelet.

We drank gin shots and watched “The Honorable Woman”.

Can’t get my head around how it is mathematically possible for the Democrats to take the House and lose seven seats in the Senate.

I’ve been looking high and low for photos from our visit to the cemeteries in Rindge.  Must have screwed up the file port when I had to change servers for The Cape Blog.  Can’t even find a blog entry.

Has given me a good opportunity to do a bunch of cleanup on Workerbee.

Broccoli Cheddar Soup

I bought broccoli from the Farm a couple of weeks ago.  Like yesterday’s eggplant, it was begging to be cooked.

Found a good recipe for soup, and it is, as claimed, better than Panera wanna-be’s.

I was able to plant the next-to-last potted mum and mulched the ones from yesterday.

Washed out containers and tools and got things put away long before the rain, which seems to have just started.

I’m so happy to not be working in an office.

Ron had a good day at his fitness session.  He says his back and leg are “fine”.

I made a nice apple crisp in the microwave with moderately shriveled apples from the basement frig.

Pumpkin Bread; Eggplant Burgers

Did laundry, changed sheets, did the transfer station run.  Nice chat with Peter.

Baked pumpkin bread – very good – and eggplant/quinoa/sunflower seeds/Northern bean/parsley/chive/garlic burgers.  Very good as well.

Opened and drained the shower valves.  Ron had to help me with one; good thing he’s strong!

Made arrangements to visit David and Betsy.

Ordered incense.  Yesterday, I ordered a vegan Thanksgiving dinner from Whole Foods, $5 off.  A splurge but we agreed it was a good deal.

Planted six mums; worked until sunset; two mums to go.  Wanted to get them in today since it might rain tomorrow.  Missed some good soakings, unfortunately, but their soil was pretty wet, so I hope they’ll get established.  Looks like a mild week, temperature-wise (50’s).

Ron’s back is bothering him.

Pumpkin Madness: the Soup; the Pie

Finished processing the roasted pumpkin and made a simple but quite good pumpkin soup* for lunch.  Served it with French bread and a salad.

Made a pumpkin pie this afternoon.

Ron took care of ALL the dishes and cookware.


*Pumpkin puree, cinnamon, nutmeg, sauteed onion and garlic.  Had planned to add half and half but it was quite good without it.

Rhodie; Taxes

We trimmed old growth off the rhodie.

I dropped off the Dixon property tax payment at Town Hall.

Talked with the chairperson of the Town’s new Affirmative Action committee.  I pretty much churned all day about the recent events at Santuit Pond Estates.

Ron and I cut my hair to a little below my ears but not quite chin length.  It looks homemade, but I like it much better.

Ron went to his men’s fitness class.

I went for a very brief walk at Besse Bog reservation, then drove around John’s Pond Estates.  The rose below is ours, from the bush planted this year.

Transfer StationS; Halloween

We dropped off the old slider to the Bourne waste management facility and got rid of the yard waste in Mashpee along with an almost-full recycle container.

We shared a horrible bowl of cheddar broccoli soup at “Avocados” on Barlow’s Landing Road.  Ron ducked into Aubuchon for hardware.

Dropped off Maine Root ginger beer to iCape for Robert and crew.

Ron switched out some of the screws in the new coldframe top.

Following a warning from Bankers, I was able to get credit reports for both of us from two of the three agencies.

Put everything back into the coldframe after doing a little weeding and cleanup.

Terrible post on the SPEA FB page.  I hope the Board does something about this, but I’ll bet they won’t.

We had a few visitors for Halloween.  Not sure how many, since Ron and I raided the treats!