Temporary Grief, Still Wobbly

Stomach was in a rage tonight.

Ron made a nice stir fry for lunch/early supper: tofu, spaghetti squash, carrots, greens. Looking forward to leftovers.

I found out this morning that the idiots at Mr. Cooper sent back the check because it was made out incorrectly but hadn’t bothered to contact me. The declaration page on the insurance cert was wrong. The agent got on it this morning and it looks like we’ll be back on track shortly. The adjuster is assisting in getting another check cut. Unbelievable.

Not Feeling Well

I’ve had spells of muscle pain, dizziness and nausea the past three or so days, mostly in the morning.

Binged on Netflix’s “Messiah” and enjoyed it.

Yesterday, Ron saved the day with a late afternoon grocery pickup of dill, tomatoes and olives for baked falafel and tzatziki salad. Far superior to the eggs and pizza I made the other day.

No cooking today, just peeled and shredded carrots for a stir fry with greens and spaghetti squash tomorrow.

Ron picked up a bunch of half price gazpacho-like soup.

Restless Sleep

Both of us were up multiple times last night. I was dizzy (again) but felt better after getting a couple more hours of sleep. One bad dream, one pretty cool one.

Did some cooking yesterday: spaghetti squash, roast broccoli, tzatziki components, pizza, pudding. Made eggs with mushrooms, cheese and broccoli this morning.

Gorgeous temps, high 50’s, but very windy and cloudy.

Still Up in the Air

We need to provide two more written estimates to NBIC, for painting and flooring. Empire stonewalled, so Peter needs to interview at least one more company. I suggested Home Depot for starters.

Bought a cowbell for Ron today at True Value, as well as a flag and some pants hangers for me. Went back for a roll around tool chest which he likes!

Did the transfer station run yesterday and returned $7.65 of cans and bottles for Peter.

Phone interview lined up for Tuesday.

Ron replaced the battery in my key finding device.

Looks like Mashpee Introverts isn’t meeting any more. No one was at the library this morning.

I get angry when I read of other people’s unearned good fortune. Now, why would that be?

Trim Is Good

I had a nice meeting with one of the Mashpee PD Lieutenants. He was reassuring. Posted thanks online.

Sent a big email to NBIC today with photos, invoices and receipts.

Ron spent a good part of yesterday trimming overhanging branches so we can get our street off the no-plow list.

Snow yesterday ending at dawn, didn’t stick. I shoveled the driveway, walkway, deck and front stairs anyway, just for stress reduction.

Today Ron got the brunt of my fury when he tried to pass off a decision he made to something he claimed I wanted. If he would only stop blaming me for things I haven’t done!

Earlier, I sent off the NBIC check we received yesterday to the mortgage company for co-endorsement. Overnight mail and enclosed a postal money order.

Yesterday, I went to Home Depot to pick up an order of Drainbo and fetched some trim for Ferg. The salesman, who knows my name after all the project purchases, was right: “If it’s trim, that’s a good sign.”

I put in a good word for him, the cashier who saved me from a bum purchase and the post office clerk, as well as the MPD lieutenant.

Spreading cheer, making enemies and getting hate from the morons on FB.

Claim: Thud

We received a disappointing claim resolution from NBIC. I’ve asked the mason and the contractor for input. Our agency has promised to negotiate on our behalf.

Ron got an adjustment from his FSA at Cal to cover the premiums he paid for out of pocket for 2019. Our elections for 2020 were such that we have a sufficient balance to cover all his medical and prescription plan premiums this year. First time in six years.

This happened because he failed to claim $3,000, my allocation, in 2014 and 2015 because he didn’t understand how the plan works, stupidly assumed I “didn’t need insurance” and missed the 2015 deadline by a hair because he ignored my request to check into it. So, I’ve been paying out of pocket for my coverage ever since and we’ve been playing “catch up”.

I ordered cucumber, kale, chard and shade flower seeds today.

Both Ron and I were subject to abuse by trolls on the Mashpee Message FB page. I am vindicated by the fact that my post received 35 thumbs up to their 6, half of whom don’t even live here. Makes me feel better.

Now That I’m Really Retired…

I’ve been cooking: charred broccoli (Ron) in spaghetti sauce from a jar of Mutti tomato puree, roasted red pepper, onion, garlic and Italian seasoning; eggplant casserole; egg salad; corn and potato chowder.

We really low-keyed it for New Year’s Eve and day. Brought grapes to Edgewater around noon yesterday after getting a virtual bunch from Peter. Mailed Jen’s card and wrote birthday reminders on the new calendar.

We brought the lights in and put them away today.

Lousy news from Edgewater. Not about the house, for once. Sending healing thoughts. It’s in the doc’s hands.

Sad Business

Mark Galli, the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, is retiring after 200 evangelical “leaders” condemned his call for Trump to resign.

Among them was Ralph Reed,  Jack Abramoff’s Indian lobbying scandal partner, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition and “political influence merchant”.

“Sadly, political operatives have worked for 40 years to craft a “pro-family” and “pro-life” narrative that would persuade white religious voters that the Republican Party was their defender. While this strategy of religious mobilization was always about uniting white voters in a coalition that was not explicitly racist, it appealed to fears of white identity and the loss of cultural power associated with America’s growing diversity. By claiming to be about culture, not politics, this distorted moral narrative prepared the way for a Christianity that would not only tolerate Trumpism but also embrace it as a defense of faith.”
