
Ron had a decent night and I drove us to get his cath removed. He seems to be on a normal track to recovery according to the brochure he got from his doc. He even drove home.

We splurged on fabulous pastry from the Chocolate Rose: cannoli, cinnamon roll, spinach and cheese Nautilus, almond croissant, blueberry scone, raspberry danish.

I went to the senior center for a helpful lecture on dizziness and brought home liquids from Stop & Shop to start Ron’s “pump”. They worked.

Rebooted Locast.

Cute Rat; SOTU; Sauce

A cute Norway rat was on the deck yesterday eating seeds that Ron had put out for the birds. Ron cleaned it up and I cut back the autumn clematis, which had created a nice hiding spot, and de-plugged the shop vac.

SOTU last night. Disruption in the chamber. Good.

Made sauce this morning. I figured Ron, who had surgery today in his doctor’s office, wasn’t going to do it, and the veggies were getting soft.

Final claim settlement check cleared so I paid bills yesterday. We are hoping to sign the P&S on Friday.

Ron got through the surgery fine, but is hurting now. He does have his prescription; the pharmacist wished him well!


Mr. Cooper’s Fedex account doesn’t allow for Saturday delivery, so I arranged to pick up the check at their Yarmouth station yesterday. Worked out great.

On the way home, I shopped for salad vegetables at Whole Foods and Stop & Shop.

The CINOs are planning a Trump rally in Mashpee next Saturday. I’ve asked for help with a counter-demonstration.

Impeachment, Final Check

Moderate Republicans determined that while Trump’s Ukraine adventure was bad, it wasn’t bad enough to remove him from office. Wonder if they are as gun-shy of a Pence theocracy as we are.

Mr. Cooper endorsed and sent the final insurance check yesterday. Our painter has been nervous because he’s never “worked like this before,” whatever that means. What a luxury, to be paid as soon as the job is done. No one gets that kind of consideration, not employees and certainly not contractors.

Interesting that in a trial about the citizenship question on the census, an honest DOJ attorney recommended impeachment if congressional subpoenas aren’t honored. “They are hypocrites and so are we, I guess.”

Received two nice prayers from Betsy yesterday. I’d asked for a copy of David’s grace, which I love, and she included her mother’s favorite, which I believe I’ve heard at the Quaker Meetinghouse.

Phone screen was postponed to Monday because the recruiter was home sick.

Check, P&S, Donated Blood

The check arrived from the insurance company and is on its way to the mortgage company for their endorsement.

The P&S is ready for signature. We got word that the carpeting will be installed on Friday. The painter has been hard at work; Peter texted “the (stairway) red is gone.” Looks like we’ll be done with updates some time next week.

Had a mammogram yesterday, been almost two years. Glad it’s done.

Bought Ron his promised New Year’s Day cigar, but he won’t smoke it until it’s warm enough to go outside.

Starting to think about how much we’ll need to pay in capital gains tax when we sell Edgewater. We might have to sell Dixon and leave the Cape. Oh, tragedy!

Rented “Judy” from RedBox; horrible, I couldn’t finish it. Watched more episodes of “Trial and Retribution”. Borrowed “Deliverance” from the library. Anything to get my mind off finances.

Made soup from a package that Ron bought a while ago. Made pudding in the microwave. Boiled over, but still good.

Ron and I donated at Falmouth Hospital. Fought with him about lack of trust and disrespect; instead of walking with me, he had to solicit attention by asking for directions.

Then after taking the long way home to get beer at Kenyon’s, complained when I wanted to return the Redbox film to Roche because he “had” to get to Best Buy “before dark” (it was not even 3 pm) for a DVD reader/writer. He’d purchased a reader online which “doesn’t work”.

Turns out, the new reader “doesn’t work” either. I stopped listening to his complaining when he started babbling about how Apple was to blame.

We talked about selling Dixon, especially if we’re stuck with a huge capital gains tax this year. I vote for the Pacific Northwest, he’d probably prefer the Southwest.

I think we’d both be better off by ourselves if we could afford it. I’ll never be Melody and he’ll never grow up.

Brunch, Monday

Geri and Free were over for brunch yesterday. We served quiche, bagels and tarts from Amie Bakery.

I cleaned the bathroom countertop; Ron did the floor. Today I washed the kitchen floor and did some minor cleaning of cabinet and dishwasher doors.

Also made lasagna, did laundry and changed sheets.

The painter came by for a check. I touched base with the insurance company to be sure the final payment was made out correctly and double checked the process for a second check with the mortgage company. Had a chat with the local Fedex about the mis-delivery; they promised to speak with the driver.

Went over the numbers with Ron. Watched some of the impeachment proceedings.


Yesterday I did follow up with the adjuster and he claimed my email was in his spam folder and he never got the flooring quote.

He did provide the figures for the final check and said it would be mailed yesterday. Or Monday.

Meanwhile, the painter has started at Edgewater, and we seem to be on target with the bank.

I retained an attorney to represent us, the same lawyer who’s helped us with real estate matters in the past.

Plowing through French lessons and feeling pretty stupid about grammar, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Peter and I did two runs to the transfer station, the second to drop off a mattress and some recycling that we forgot the first time around.

Ron had to go to Hyannis for fingerprinting for his census job. At my request, he dropped me off to 4C’s so I could see the Vex robotic competition, the first one to be held on Cape. Chatted briefly with Amanda Hough and two of the organizers.

There wasn’t a lot to see, so I walked from the campus to the Route 6 rest stop and waited for Ron. He treated us to lunch, then we drove to Spinnaker Records in Hyannis. He found some “treasures”. On the way home, we stopped at Amie Bakery for dessert for tomorrow and ice cream.

Been Two Days, Feels Like More

I sent a final list of expenses to our adjuster only two days ago, but boy, does it feel like at least a week has gone by since.

Yesterday, Fedex left the endorsed initial settlement check across the street, but no one lives there full-time to have received it. I only discovered this around 6:30, when I made a last check of the Fedex website and found the package had “been delivered”. But where?

Fortunately, Ron remembered that the truck had turned around in the neighbor’s driveway earlier in the day, so I dashed across the street in the dark to retrieve the check.

Ron drove us to the bank with 19 minutes to spare before it would have been too late to post.

I synched up with Ferg this morning and brought his check along with one for the painter to Edgewater.

Ferg was going to hang a new bedroom door and trim today, which finishes up the carpentry. The painter is planning to come back next week to do the bedroom and office.

Peter had great news: they got their preapproval and a very good fixed rate. Flooring should be in February 4, the installer is lined up, and the appraisal should be done shortly thereafter.

I attended a watercolor class at the Library. Liked the instructor very much, but found the process tedious.

Paid the remaining monthly bills. We walked around the block to check out the pruning Ron did at the bottom of our street. He called the DPW to request an inspection; we’re hoping they’ll come out tomorrow.

Impeachment Begins; Check is Endorsed

Watching MSNBC.

Got word this morning that Mr. Cooper endorsed the NBIC check and that it’s scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Some time.

Meanwhile, the flooring companies finally came through with estimates yesterday, so I was able to close the loop with the adjuster.

Sent off a birthday card to Sam. Bought a glass loaf pan on sale at half off from Williams Sonoma.

The new tea store doesn’t sell Lapsang Souchong. The indifferent millenial clerk was, well, indifferent. Of course.

Caught up with the painter; he’s starting work on Thursday, day after tomorrow.

Made pudding yesterday evening; Ron devoured it.

I cleaned up a bunch of downed branches yesterday. Been cold, but sunny and little wind, so pretty decent outdoor work weather.


It was bloody cold yesterday and windy besides, but we did the transfer station run anyway.

Better late than never: I set up a 2 TB Seagate backup drive that had been sitting in a drawer and it’s working great.

The check arrived yesterday from NBIC and should be delivered today to Mr. Cooper, not that anyone will be there to process it. Just hit me that Monday is a holiday, which will no doubt delay it even more. What a nightmare.

14 degrees and spectacular sunrise this morning.