HMLP Paperwork

It really is never-ending. I needed to get an invoice, then two. Picked them up from Matt at our cloak-and-dagger drop-off point; signed, scanned and emailed them to Berkshire Planning.

Deck carpentry specialist came by to take measurements and outline a plan to repair and renew the deck. I liked his upbeat attitude, and his advice made sense.

Decided to stay home rather than see the HEAT people at the Senior Center wellness fair or attend the Log Lunch. Still not 100%. The COVID test kit, which may or may not be working but I’m pretty sure is, registered positive. I still have a fair amount of congestion, although it has been draining.

I would have felt guilty if COVID takes over the Senior Center or Williams College. This way, if it happens, wasn’t my fault!

Helped Ron with McAfee settings this morning and accessed his credit card accounts so he could make a payment. Been helping him with laundry and dishes this week, keeping it small and simple. He’s much better today, still on the mend.


Started out slowly this morning but perked up once I got outside for some VERY light gardening.

Writing group canceled, group leader is sick.

Emptied the dishwasher, loaded breakfast and lunch dishes.

Investigated a couple of billing issues for PCP visits.

Showered and washed my hair.

Soup and salad for supper. Cleaned up the kitchen.

Put away laundry.


Ron and I tested positive for COVID-19 today.

Rick was nice enough to drop off test kits from the Senior Center. We had some but they were expired, although the one I tried earlier today was accurate.

Ron was sick as a dog yesterday: fever of 102.5.

Hard to tell when it started with me since I had a similar reaction to the Reclast infusion. Wonder if I picked it up at the clinic? I only started feeling sick that afternoon.

Fortunately, we have plenty of food and beer to tide us over this week.

Too Sick to Do More Than Sleep

In fact, sleep was impossible for a good part of the last three days since the infusion on Thursday afternoon at 2.

Ron has a cold and is also miserable.

The Reclast kicked back with a fury: muscle and bone pain, headache, nausea, fever, chills, endless reflux, dizziness, muscle spasm on my right side. Thank goodness I didn’t have the most severe reactions. The pain in my stomach was so bad, I screamed continuously through the first night.

We are watching the Steelers on Paramount+.

Infusion Is Done

Procedure was fast, efficient. Ron was nice enough to drive. I picked up a discount grocery order while I was still feeling good. Cold symptoms started around 4-5 pm.

Earlier I did more work on the deck. Used a solvent that worked well when applied full strength. I do like the look of the wood.

Ron started mowing at 5, not sure how much he was able to get done.

Radon test results came back; we passed. Interesting that Dixon’s score was over 4.0, ours was 2.0, even with all this rock. Wonder if the Dixon score had anything to do with the crud released by the military at the Base.

Harvest Moon Circle

Spent part of last evening at this event, organized by the owners of Wild Soul River.

The landscaper did a great job trimming the big forsythia and the holly bushes. He also took down a big dead tree limb.

Ron and I scraped the deck. Did two loads of laundry.

Later on Bell came to visit and blow giant bubbles. He hit his poor head while trying out the rowing machine; he’s fine this morning.


Monday nothing, Tuesday nothing
Wednesday and Thursday nothing
Friday for a change a little more nothing
Saturday once more nothing

Sunday nothing, Monday nothing
Tuesday and Wednesday nothing
Thursday for a change a little more nothing
Friday once more nothing

The Fugs

Cooking Day

Made the apple dessert using pancake mix and half the called-for amount of sugar. Big hit.

Made a really good veg lasagna and a small casserole as well.

Roasted vegetables: eggplant, summer squash, tomatoes, onion, beets, potato, green pepper, carrots, mushrooms.

Got to pet Millie; received dog kisses in return.