Military Bureaucracy Unchecked

On one subject most foreign policy experts agree: America needs to temper its faith in its armed forces. “We had so much faith in our military that we were inevitably going to overstep,” said Dempsey, the Afghanistan veteran. “A military bureaucracy unchecked never yields good outcomes.”

Retired Lt. Col. Jason Dempsey, a two-time veteran of the war

Saturday: Three-Fer

Ron’s been shut out of Great Clips for the past two days, so he was happy to find an opening at Procuts. I asked to tag along to fetch a package waiting at Walgreens.

On the way back to the van, Ron grabbed a 12-pack of Narragansett at South Cape Liquors.

It’s hot and muggy. We’re on an every other day irrigation schedule, which seems to be okay.

Insurance, 100 Degrees

In answer to my question about renewals coming up soon, our agent shared the news that she’s leaving. Gee, thanks. She was the third agent we’ve had in a year.

I asked another agency for quotes. They’ve sent a couple of letters to us, so figured it wouldn’t hurt to talk with them.

Ron did a fasting blood test.

We did laundry and since it was over 100 in the sun, hung everything outside to dry.

Finally Finished Mowing; Biscuit

Started yesterday afternoon. It’s been so humid that I put off the last bit until this morning.

Harvested a bunch of cukes. Made a temporary drying rack for the garlic.

Ron’s been busy, changed the lightbulb in the fixture above the kitchen sink and picked up a new microwave at Home Depot yesterday and did a transfer station drop-off.

Had to pay for two orders at Fresh Roll last evening. Not a tragedy.

Asked about a dog available through MSPCA, Biscuit.

We are looking for an older, medium-sized dog. We have some experience with rescues. Before going any further in the process, we’d need to talk with you about specific recommendations for his orientation to a new home and any anticipated adjustment issues. For example, does he need a crate or is he afraid of confinement? Is he likely to bolt? Is he food responsive? Is he afraid of cars or have other triggers?

New Home for Buddy

We delivered Buddy to Serenity Farm yesterday afternoon. Anne, the owner, greeted him joyfully, and it looks like he’s fit in well with her family of farm animals and small dogs.

I think our house is too small for us and a dog.

I picked up my new glasses yesterday at the Commons. Saw a dog in a locked car and had the police dispatcher on the line just as the owner showed up. He explained that with a Tesla, you can see a message that the A/C is on and the dog is safe.

Now we know.

Just To See the Blood Run Cold?

James asked us to not do business with him at the dispensary. He wrote that someone they don’t know called them out of the blue, claiming that I was abusing Ron. James wants nothing to do with us as a result. That certainly explains the most recent blackout from almost everyone over there.

Four Weeks to Labor Day

I am sick of August and Summer: traffic, crowds, humidity, gone-bys.

Visited the farm stand yesterday. A couple of born-lucky-in-looks types were carrying a very disabled elderly gentleman into the stand. Three people, one unable to even stand on his own.

One of the born luckies had the nerve to bark at me “We need a minute”. I blasted back “Am I in your way?” She had the good sense to leave with the elderly gent.

I thought it might be nice to pick up wine at Cape Cod Winery. It was packed. The parking attendant pointed me to a spot so I could check out the gift shop, but prices are as high as they’ve ever been.

Instead, I picked up a bottle of Barefoot in Mashpee.

Ron did laundry, we changed sheets. I pulled weeds and made a couple of cold salads. Day before as well: platter of pita bread, mint and basil, feta, watermelon, cukes, radishes, grapes.

Nice conversation with a woman from Standish about their voucher program for vet fees.

Progress on NEPS.